A hom3 boy once cri3d th3r3 was a r3ason why...
Su carnal has di3d
A fuckin chap shot his broth3r 5 tim3s
Los dos carnal3s claim3d to b3 from th3 south sid3
Th3y both had tatoo3d in th3ir ch3sts SUR 13
a sid3 it said asta la MU3RT3.
Th3r3 h3 sat on th3 ground w3r3
his broth3rs d3ad body was.
H3 had 5 shots on him-on3 shot w3nt right through
his h3art w3r3 h3 had tatoo3d th3 nam3 of th3 girl h3
Four shots w3nt right through his ch3st straight at th3 num3ro tr3c3.
Th3 homeboy told him s3lf that h3 was gonna find th3 fuckin chap
who took his broth3rs lif3, and shoot him tr3c3 v3c3s to l3t th3m
know who 3v3r g3ts in a sur3nos way g3ts to di3 th3 n3xt day...
Su carnal has di3d
A fuckin chap shot his broth3r 5 tim3s
Los dos carnal3s claim3d to b3 from th3 south sid3
Th3y both had tatoo3d in th3ir ch3sts SUR 13
a sid3 it said asta la MU3RT3.
Th3r3 h3 sat on th3 ground w3r3
his broth3rs d3ad body was.
H3 had 5 shots on him-on3 shot w3nt right through
his h3art w3r3 h3 had tatoo3d th3 nam3 of th3 girl h3
Four shots w3nt right through his ch3st straight at th3 num3ro tr3c3.
Th3 homeboy told him s3lf that h3 was gonna find th3 fuckin chap
who took his broth3rs lif3, and shoot him tr3c3 v3c3s to l3t th3m
know who 3v3r g3ts in a sur3nos way g3ts to di3 th3 n3xt day...
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