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The Way I feel


Hey well here's some rymes about how i felt bak then. N i dont kno i mite stil feel like dis but not as much.

I feel like an outsider
because of how i dress or wut I wear
Kno matter how many frends i have
It just doesnt matter.
I feel so ashamed
I feel like a failure
I used 2 have A's & B's
But now I have C's & D's.
I know I failed my mpther & father
I try 2 xplain but I guess it just doesn't matter.
I have such low self-esteem,
but i hide it with my crazyness & laughter.
I feel like no1 Knows, no1 Cares
about my problems or my tears.
I look at myself in the mirror,
But all I c Is errors.
I wish I could change
2 Just the way i was in 6th Grade.
I try so hard 2 make people happy
but i just dont c it happining.
evryday that passes by
i feel like no1 likes me, but i dont no y?
I wanted 2 b a singer
But no1 supports, xept my grandmother.
I feel so stupid, i feel so retarded.
Just like a good 4nothing person.
People dont notice of how i feel inside,
i hide it cuz if i bring it out i feel i mite cry.
I feel like im not pretty,
compared 2 all the gurlz with such beauty.
I feel this way,
cuz people dont watch wut they say.
they say stuff w/out thinking,
that they mite just hurt som1's feelings.
Its not just people in my classes,
its people at home that can b such asses.
I wish i could've seen my sister adilene,
mayb i will after the poem finishes.
No matter wut, i feel the same way.
Hate till the end forever & alwayz.
god, i hate myself, mayb i should just die,
Hey y not, life's hell n-e-way, so....goodbye.
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