Two paths lay before me,
Once long ago,
When summers were long,
And i didnt yet know ,
The meaning of heartache,
Or recognize pain,
And i took it for granted,
THat youth would remain.
Two paths lay before me,
And each of them led,
To what I could only
Imagine, ahead
Though I wanted to wander
Down both, for a bit,
Life just shook her head,
And would have no of it.
For one path alone,
is given each man,
And we must journey down it,
The best we can,
And weather we win or lose,
Largely depends on
.... The path that we choose.
Once long ago,
When summers were long,
And i didnt yet know ,
The meaning of heartache,
Or recognize pain,
And i took it for granted,
THat youth would remain.
Two paths lay before me,
And each of them led,
To what I could only
Imagine, ahead
Though I wanted to wander
Down both, for a bit,
Life just shook her head,
And would have no of it.
For one path alone,
is given each man,
And we must journey down it,
The best we can,
And weather we win or lose,
Largely depends on
.... The path that we choose.