mz. lilchicana
Erika was walking with her Boyfriend Jose...
Jose:Erika um do u remember our date on Saturday?
Erka:yeah why?
Jose:um i gotta cancel it, cause um mi ma is sick and um i got a stay and take care of her k?
Erika:sure it's ok..oh and tell ur ma to get better k
But Jose wasn't telling the truth he went to see Erika's friend Paola
But Paola didn't know Erika was going out with him
Jose:hey babe
Paola:hey what took u so long
Jose:nah mi ma is sick and i had to go to the pharmacy to get some medicine
Paolak i forgive u
Paola leans and kisses Jose
Paola:well i got to go k need to go and finish mi homerwork
Jose:k babe
Jose:don't forget our date k?
Paola goes running to do her homework
The next day...
Erika:I think i should call Jose's mom and see how she's doin..
Erika picks up the phone and dials Jose's mom's cell phone number
Erika:how u doin i heard u got sick....
Mrs.Sanchez:What do u mean honey i'm fine i'm at a meeting in New York
Mrs.Sanchez:who told u i was sick
Erikah nobody i must of heard wrong,well good-bye
Erika hangs up the phone and stars thinking why did Jose lie to her?
Erika:um i think i should call Paola she knows him more than i do
She then dials Paola's home phone number..
Erika:yes can i talk to Paola please?
Erika:Yes this is me
Mr.Guzman h hello Erika Um..Paola is with her boyfriend
Erika:Um.. She has a Boyfriend
Mr.Guzman:Yes u know Jose right?
Erika slams the phone and hangs up
Erikah my gosh that's why Jose canceled the date to day!
Erika goes running to Jose's house and knocks on the door..
She sees the door opened and goes in
Erika:um Jose?Paola?
She walks in Jose'sroomand sees Jose making out with Paola in his bed
Paolah my gosh!
Erika goes up to Paola and slaps her
Paola:What was that for?
Erika:For being such a back stabber
Paola :what do you mea...Um Jose please don't tell me ur dating her and me
Jose :Um not dating u both?(saying it with a lieing voice)
Paola:I can't Belive u....u pig!
She goes out running and starts to cry 'cause almost all of her boyfriends had cheated on her
Erika:I thought u love me..I thought i loved u but i was wrong ur love is just a lie u just want a girl to have sex with isn't that right Jose?!!! ....i meanyes ok totell the truth i don't like Paola or you so just get out of my sight!
Erika gets up and slaps him so hard it lift a hand mark Erika goes out running and finds Paola
Paola:i thoght it was going to end...
Erika:What did you think was going to end?
Paola:Guys cheating on me and just wants me to have sex
A tear falls down
Erika grabs her and hugs her and walked her home
Erika:just forget about him and find someone who cares about u k
Jose:Erika um do u remember our date on Saturday?
Erka:yeah why?
Jose:um i gotta cancel it, cause um mi ma is sick and um i got a stay and take care of her k?
Erika:sure it's ok..oh and tell ur ma to get better k
But Jose wasn't telling the truth he went to see Erika's friend Paola
But Paola didn't know Erika was going out with him
Jose:hey babe
Paola:hey what took u so long
Jose:nah mi ma is sick and i had to go to the pharmacy to get some medicine
Paolak i forgive u
Paola leans and kisses Jose
Paola:well i got to go k need to go and finish mi homerwork
Jose:k babe
Jose:don't forget our date k?
Paola goes running to do her homework
The next day...
Erika:I think i should call Jose's mom and see how she's doin..
Erika picks up the phone and dials Jose's mom's cell phone number
Erika:how u doin i heard u got sick....
Mrs.Sanchez:What do u mean honey i'm fine i'm at a meeting in New York
Mrs.Sanchez:who told u i was sick
Erikah nobody i must of heard wrong,well good-bye
Erika hangs up the phone and stars thinking why did Jose lie to her?
Erika:um i think i should call Paola she knows him more than i do
She then dials Paola's home phone number..
Erika:yes can i talk to Paola please?
Erika:Yes this is me
Mr.Guzman h hello Erika Um..Paola is with her boyfriend
Erika:Um.. She has a Boyfriend
Mr.Guzman:Yes u know Jose right?
Erika slams the phone and hangs up
Erikah my gosh that's why Jose canceled the date to day!
Erika goes running to Jose's house and knocks on the door..
She sees the door opened and goes in
Erika:um Jose?Paola?
She walks in Jose'sroomand sees Jose making out with Paola in his bed
Paolah my gosh!
Erika goes up to Paola and slaps her
Paola:What was that for?
Erika:For being such a back stabber
Paola :what do you mea...Um Jose please don't tell me ur dating her and me
Jose :Um not dating u both?(saying it with a lieing voice)
Paola:I can't Belive u....u pig!
She goes out running and starts to cry 'cause almost all of her boyfriends had cheated on her
Erika:I thought u love me..I thought i loved u but i was wrong ur love is just a lie u just want a girl to have sex with isn't that right Jose?!!! ....i meanyes ok totell the truth i don't like Paola or you so just get out of my sight!
Erika gets up and slaps him so hard it lift a hand mark Erika goes out running and finds Paola
Paola:i thoght it was going to end...
Erika:What did you think was going to end?
Paola:Guys cheating on me and just wants me to have sex
A tear falls down
Erika grabs her and hugs her and walked her home
Erika:just forget about him and find someone who cares about u k