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Ur luv is a lie

Erika was walking with her Boyfriend Jose...
Jose:Erika um do u remember our date on Saturday?
Erka:yeah why?
Jose:um i gotta cancel it, cause um mi ma is sick and um i got a stay and take care of her k?
Erika:sure it's ok..oh and tell ur ma to get better k
But Jose wasn't telling the truth he went to see Erika's friend Paola
But Paola didn't know Erika was going out with him
Jose:hey babe
Paola:hey what took u so long
Jose:nah mi ma is sick and i had to go to the pharmacy to get some medicine
Paola:ok i forgive u
Paola leans and kisses Jose
Paola:well i got to go k need to go and finish mi homerwork
Jose:k babe
Jose:don't forget our date k?
Paola goes running to do her homework
The next day...
Erika:I think i should call Jose's mom and see how she's doin..
Erika picks up the phone and dials Jose's mom's cell phone number
Erika:how u doin i heard u got sick....
Mrs.Sanchez:What do u mean honey i'm fine i'm at a meeting in New York
Mrs.Sanchez:who told u i was sick
Erika:oh nobody i must of heard wrong,well good-bye
Erika hangs up the phone and stars thinking why did Jose lie to her?
Erika:um i think i should call Paola she knows him more than i do
She then dials Paola's home phone number..
Erika:yes can i talk to Paola please?
Erika:Yes this is me
Mr.Guzman :oh hello Erika Um..Paola is with her boyfriend
Erika:Um.. She has a Boyfriend
Mr.Guzman:Yes u know Jose right?
Erika slams the phone and hangs up
Erika:oh my gosh that's why Jose canceled the date to day!
Erika goes running to Jose's house and knocks on the door..
She sees the door opened and goes in
Erika:um Jose?Paola?
She walks in Jose'sroomand sees Jose making out with Paola in his bed
Paola:oh my gosh!
Erika goes up to Paola and slaps her
Paola:What was that for?
Erika:For being such a back stabber
Paola :what do you mea...Um Jose please don't tell me ur dating her and me
Jose :Um .......im not dating u both?(saying it with a lieing voice)
Paola:I can't Belive u....u pig!
She goes out running and starts to cry 'cause almost all of her boyfriends had cheated on her
Erika:I thought u love me..I thought i loved u but i was wrong ur love is just a lie u just want a girl to have sex with isn't that right Jose?!!!
Jose:um..no ....i meanyes ok totell the truth i don't like Paola or you so just get out of my sight!
Erika gets up and slaps him so hard it lift a hand mark Erika goes out running and finds Paola
Paola:i thoght it was going to end...
Erika:What did you think was going to end?
Paola:Guys cheating on me and just wants me to have sex
A tear falls down
Erika grabs her and hugs her and walked her home
Erika:just forget about him and find someone who cares about u k
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