Legendary Poster
why am i so brown?
a question chicanitas sometimes ask
while others wunder:why is the sky so blue? or the grass so green?
why am i so brown?
god made u brown mi'ja
color brace-color of your raza
connecting u 2 ur raices
ur historia
as u begin moving towards ur future
it is the color of chicana woman-
leadersmadres of chicano warriors
luchando por la paz y la dignidad
de la justica de la nacion, aztlan
god wants u 2 understand...brown is
not a color... it is: a state of being a very human texture alive to the new
world which is for everyone
finally mi'ja
god made you brown
porque it is one of her favorite colors
[violent] fucku
a question chicanitas sometimes ask
while others wunder:why is the sky so blue? or the grass so green?
why am i so brown?
god made u brown mi'ja
color brace-color of your raza
connecting u 2 ur raices
ur historia
as u begin moving towards ur future
it is the color of chicana woman-
leadersmadres of chicano warriors
luchando por la paz y la dignidad
de la justica de la nacion, aztlan
god wants u 2 understand...brown is
not a color... it is: a state of being a very human texture alive to the new
world which is for everyone
finally mi'ja
god made you brown
porque it is one of her favorite colors
[violent] fucku