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Main Street applauds President Obama's tough talk to Wall Street bigs

steve? i'm not steve. if you have some proof you'd like to put up do so. it's not like troof who admitted he's truthbtold and truth is and got caught having the same ip address as mr t. show me and steve are the same person. you can't b/c we aren't sorry.

now as fish surf says, back to the topic which is "Main Street applauds President Obama's tough talk to Wall Street." do you have anything of worth to contribute? if not please stop spamming. thanks guy.

b waitin... :)

There is no topic grape/steve since we're talking abut 1700 people in bum fvck upstate NY- who really cares?
no doubt. the fact you actually wrote in the subject in your attempt to say there was no topic. mad lame son. now get on the topic. whassa matta scared? come on.

i'm right here however you want to do this.

b waitin...

thanks guy. (lol)
no doubt. the fact you actually wrote in the subject in your attempt to say there was no topic. mad lame son. now get on the topic. whassa matta scared? come on.

i'm right here however you want to do this.

b waitin...

thanks guy. (lol)

If only you would of dropped a "that's dope."

ha ha ha ha
April 28, 2010

Democrats have decided that in order to prevent Wall Street from starting more financial meltdowns, wrecking the economy and leaving the American taxpayer holding the bag, we need to give more oversight authority to the same government employees who were busy surfing Internet porn as private investors frantically tried to warn them about Bernie Madoff.

The Democrats' financial "reform" bill also includes a $50 billion bailout fund -- that's million with a "B" -- that will save the Democrats from the unpleasant task of having to go on record voting for another Wall Street bailout.

Under the Democrats' bill, the FDIC will distribute the bailout money to Wall Street bankers without Congress having to take any action at all. (In the House version, the slush fund for the Democrats' Wall Street friends is $150 billion.)

True, the billions of dollars will be doled out to banks for the purpose of "dissolving" them. So what? They'll come back under a new name. But the guilty parties will lose no money for making bad bets -- although if the bets paid off, they'd take all the profits. That's what Democrats mean by "accountability."

Not surprisingly, the only politicians opposed to a permanent bailout fund for bankers are the politicians not owned by Wall Street -- that is, most Republicans, and one socialist, Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

The Democrats' defense of Wall Street's golden parachute is to say Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell used a "talking point" formulated for him by pollster Frank Luntz in opposing the bailout fund.

As Frank Rich explained in The New York Times, the bailout fund is not a bailout fund because "Sen. Mitch McConnell went on CNN to flog his big lie that the Senate reform bill somehow guaranteed bank bailouts -- a talking point long ago concocted for the GOP by its favorite spin strategist, Frank Luntz."

In other words, it must be a lie because ... because Frank Luntz told McConnell what to say and then McConnell said it on CNN!

Yes, and Steve Jobs gets his best ideas from parishilton.com.

Sen. McConnell doesn't need Frank Luntz to explain anything to him, least of all the financial reform bill. A fifth-grader could find out about the permanent bailout fund simply by reading the bill.

You will notice that neither Rich nor any of Wall Street's defenders specifically deny the existence of a permanent bank bailout fund in the Democrats' bill. They just say McConnell used a "talking point" to denounce it. (You might say this has become a "talking point" for Democrats defending the bill.)

Wall Street's defenders also crow that the money in the bailout fund won't come from taxpayers! (There's a newfound sympathy.) No sir, it will come from "the banks."

That's like saying that the original bailout money didn't come from the taxpayers -- it came from the government! Where do Democrats imagine banks and the government get their money?

Banks, like the government, are entities that spend money they collect from human beings. We'll all be charged up front to cover Gordon Gekko's future bad bets.

In other words, the Wall Street slush fund will be paid for by a group of despicable fat cats recently discovered by the Democrats known as People Who Have Bank Accounts. Damn them!

Another idea, based on the ancient concept of personal responsibility, comes from financial writer James Grant. He proposes that the bankers -- are you sitting down? -- take their own losses.

Let them keep their humongous salaries, Grant writes, but if their bank fails, "let the bankers themselves fail. Let the value of their houses, cars, yachts, paintings, etc. be assigned to the firm's creditors."

There's nothing wrong with speculation, creating derivatives or selling them, especially to sophisticated investors. The problem is that when the bets go bad, the speculators keep being back-stopped by the government -- i.e., "by me and people like me."

Strangely enough -- for a bill that allegedly sticks it to Wall Street -- during the Senate Banking Committee hearing this week, Goldman Sachs chairman Lloyd Blankfein endorsed the Dodd bill. Someone should have asked him who from Goldman wrote it.

In 2008, Goldman employees gave a record-breaking $1,007,370 to the Obama campaign.

This year, the "securities and investment" industry has already given twice as much money to the Democrats as to the Republicans.

ABC News reports that "the five biggest hedge fund donors all gave almost all their donations to Democrats." Among the biggest recipients of hedge fund money were Senators Harry Reid (Democrat), Chris Dodd (Democrat) and Charles Schumer (Democrat).

Even with the evidence right in front of their eyes, people still believe that it's the Republicans who are in Wall Street's pocket.

How out of touch with reality would a comedy writer have to be to write the following joke for Jay Leno this week: "The head of Goldman Sachs was going through security and was asked to empty his pockets -- and five Republican senators fell out."

Why didn't Barack Obama or Chuck Schumer fall out? Why not Rahm Emanuel, who worked for Goldman? Or Greg Craig, who used to work for Obama but just took a job with Goldman?

The fact that anyone laughed at that joke proves that Republicans have a serious PR problem.

1130 Walnut, Kansas City, MO 64106
Democrats have decided that in order to prevent Wall Street from starting more financial meltdowns, wrecking the economy and leaving the American taxpayer holding the bag, we need to give more oversight authority to the same government employees who were busy surfing Internet porn as private investors frantically tried to warn them about Bernie Madoff.

so it's your contention they won't be fired?


thank you
so it's your contention they won't be fired?


thank you

YOU can shut up now.

SEC porn scandal results in zero firings, agency says
None of the Securities and Exchange Commission employees caught using government computers to view pornographic images has been fired, according to the agency.

The SEC inspector general investigated 28 employees and five contractors for accessing inappropriate images and Web sites, according to a report released late last week.

Of the employees, eight resigned and six were suspended for periods lasting one to 14 days, the inspector general, H. David Kotz, said in an letter Tuesday to Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa). Five were issued formal reprimands, six were issued informal counseling or warning letters, and three are currently facing disciplinary action.

All five contractors caught were removed from their contracts, Kotz added.

The SEC comes up with different numbers, but they also add up to no firings.

The staffers accessed pornographic Web sites and images by using Google and Yahoo search engines and by successfully disabling Internet filters on their computers, Kotz said.

Grassley on Tuesday asked SEC Chairman Mary L. Schapiro to clarify why the workers faced different levels of discipline. Schapiro sent a memo Friday stating that any employee who violates the agency's computer usage rules will be fired.

The Iowa Republican also asked Schapiro for specific salary and disciplinary information for the 33 workers and contractors.

"We look forward to responding to Senator Grassley in detail," SEC spokesman John Nester said in an e-mail.

Grassley's office also distributed a whistleblower complaint sent to his office regarding an assistant regional director at SEC's Los Angeles office who made 1,800 attempts to access pornographic Web sites from his agency computer.

The letter, purportedly from an SEC employee in the agency's Los Angeles regional office, described poor morale and high turnover partly due to the official getting "a free pass" from agency management for his inappropriate computer use.

Leave your thoughts in the comments section below
YOU can shut up now.

Of the employees, eight resigned
All five contractors caught were removed from their contracts, Kotz added.

so they resigned. eight are gone and they know if they do it again they'll be fired.

so that's 28 employees...

"Within the SEC, there are four divisions, 19 offices and approximately 3,800 staff. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the SEC has 11 regional offices throughout the United States."


i'm sorry, but even if the remaining 20 continued that's just not enough to account for inactivity. neither was the 28. it was bad and they shouldn't do it again, but 20 employees will not be the main problem.

you're a cop. there are many cases of dirty cops. does that mean all are dirty or that all are hampered from enforcing the law because of those cops? (i could be asking the wrong cop here of course. lol.)

so they resigned. eight are gone and they know if they do it again they'll be fired.

so that's 28 employees...

"Within the SEC, there are four divisions, 19 offices and approximately 3,800 staff. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the SEC has 11 regional offices throughout the United States."


i'm sorry, but even if the remaining 20 continued that's just not enough to account for inactivity. neither was the 28. it was bad and they shouldn't do it again, but 20 employees will not be the main problem.

you're a cop. there are many cases of dirty cops. does that mean all are dirty or that all are hampered from enforcing the law because of those cops? (i could be asking the wrong cop here of course. lol.)


lol. next...
so they resigned. eight are gone and they know if they do it again they'll be fired.

so that's 28 employees...

"Within the SEC, there are four divisions, 19 offices and approximately 3,800 staff. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the SEC has 11 regional offices throughout the United States."


i'm sorry, but even if the remaining 20 continued that's just not enough to account for inactivity. neither was the 28. it was bad and they shouldn't do it again, but 20 employees will not be the main problem.

you're a cop. there are many cases of dirty cops. does that mean all are dirty or that all are hampered from enforcing the law because of those cops? (i could be asking the wrong cop here of course. lol.)


lol. next...

anything new to add? this doesn't seem to be going anywhere and once again you just seem to be off topic.

please get back on the topic.

if you don't understand it just say it no need to be embarrassed.


so it's your contention they won't be fired?


thank you

YOU can shut up now.

SEC porn scandal results in zero firings, agency says
None of the Securities and Exchange Commission employees caught using government computers to view pornographic images has been fired, according to the agency.[/size]

The SEC inspector general investigated 28 employees and five contractors for accessing inappropriate images and Web sites, according to a report released late last week.

Of the employees, eight resigned and six were suspended for periods lasting one to 14 days, the inspector general, H. David Kotz, said in an letter Tuesday to Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa). Five were issued formal reprimands, six were issued informal counseling or warning letters, and three are currently facing disciplinary action.

All five contractors caught were removed from their contracts, Kotz added.

The SEC comes up with different numbers, but they also add up to no firings.

The staffers accessed pornographic Web sites and images by using Google and Yahoo search engines and by successfully disabling Internet filters on their computers, Kotz said.

Grassley on Tuesday asked SEC Chairman Mary L. Schapiro to clarify why the workers faced different levels of discipline. Schapiro sent a memo Friday stating that any employee who violates the agency's computer usage rules will be fired.

The Iowa Republican also asked Schapiro for specific salary and disciplinary information for the 33 workers and contractors.

"We look forward to responding to Senator Grassley in detail," SEC spokesman John Nester said in an e-mail.

Grassley's office also distributed a whistleblower complaint sent to his office regarding an assistant regional director at SEC's Los Angeles office who made 1,800 attempts to access pornographic Web sites from his agency computer.

The letter, purportedly from an SEC employee in the agency's Los Angeles regional office, described poor morale and high turnover partly due to the official getting "a free pass" from agency management for his inappropriate computer use.

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