I wasn't asking you... I was askign Steve Douchebag....
Ohh wait..... I guess I was asking you.... But we both knew this all along huh? Dont worry grape, itll be our little secret.
(lol) hey genius... if we're the same why say we're different?
Anyways you'rs still acting like a Liberal. Only a Liberal says things like "Well All other races have commited crimes and genocide therefore all races are the same.
To think that all races are the same is such a close minded mentality.
SOme of the Worst parts in the world are Areas with a Majority Negro population. Heavy Nigggerfluxation causes decivilization.
some of the worst places are not. look at atlanta. some of the wealthiest and nicest neighborhoods in the country are there many of those are black. if all black people are ruin anywhere they live how is this so? this is fact 60 minutes even did a segment on it a few years back. btw you may wish to become pen pals with a 5th grader in zimbabwe. being as they have a 90% literacy rate they can help edit your posts and let you know when you have posted make believe words. decivilization is not a word in the english language. (lol)
Negros commit around 40% of all Crime in the US but only make up 13% of the population.
okay what about in the rest of the world? who commits most of the crime in say moscow? are you saying moscow doesn't have horrible crime rates and corruption, killings and more? who commits most of the crimes there? how do those people act when they get here? are russian gangs a problem here? matter of fact who is responsible for russian illegal immigrants?
how about in say thailand? who is responsible for most of the crime there? are they black people? what are the crime rates like? where is heroin from the golden triangle coming from? are black people in thailand responsible for that?
should people of russian descent be allowed to carry guns in the us if they qualify legally? should people of thai descent be allowed to carry if they qualify?
You also said earlier that poor people tend to commit more crimes. Don't make me look up the post where you said that.
right i did say poor people commit crimes. and? what's your point. most black people are poor here in the us. d'uh. not to mention they have access to worse educational opportunities same as many latinos. and? what's your point. i said it. do you have a point of departure? do you have any point at all?
Yes Grape in some cases white people also commit crimes and go to jail lol.
i wasn't talking about only white people. but, why do you jump to white people? i mentioned asians latinos and whites. why did you jump to whites only? again in russia who is committing those brutal crimes. when italian, irish and jewish gangs were running the gangs and streets in the cities who was committing the crimes? who was responsible for the valentine's day massacre for example? were these black italians, irish and jewish gangsters? if not should we keep people of italian, irish and jewish descent from carrying weapons here in the us because of that?
you mentioned the world and around the world. now you want to talk america? what's the matter? logic falling apart? i'm waiting...
Actually Corruption exist everywhere. Mexico is also corrupt, Europe also has some corruption, US also has some corruption, North Korea also has some corruption. Look it up. So you're statement about Russia being corrupt is meaningless since there has been corruption in almost every country around the world. Now you see how stupid it sounds when you say shit like "Blah blah blah Europe, Asia, have also committed violence"
actually it's your acknowledgment of my assertion that makes your argument brittle and baseless. (i knew you would eventually. you always do.) you just admitted anyone can do it. it exists everywhere. it wasn't only corruption. i was talking violent crime and civil action. uncivil behavior exists in every nation in every culture in every race. now does that mean everyone should be banned from carrying guns because we can all be violent and capable of murder in terms of our race?
Anyways Show me a US city or a European city ruined by Russians with a Russian majority population then I'll believe you. As it is right now In Europe most of the crimes are coming from Muslims and Africans. But don't believe Fox News when they show you Paris on Fire since its probably all photoshopped

sure. russia as a country is ranked number five on the ranking of countries with the worst murder rates per capita. (lol) that means in terms of violent crime the entire country is ruined. they have 0.201534 murders per 1,000 people. did you know that?
did you even do any research in the topic? did you even think it through?
now let's list the top ten raked countries in terms of murder rate:
# 1 Colombia: 0.617847 per 1,000 people
# 2 South Africa: 0.496008 per 1,000 people
# 3 Jamaica: 0.324196 per 1,000 people
# 4 Venezuela: 0.316138 per 1,000 people
# 5 Russia: 0.201534 per 1,000 people
# 6 Mexico: 0.130213 per 1,000 people
# 7 Estonia: 0.107277 per 1,000 people
# 8 Latvia: 0.10393 per 1,000 people
# 9 Lithuania: 0.102863 per 1,000 people
# 10 Belarus: 0.0983495 per 1,000 people
hey bud guy how's your math?
can you count on both hands using all fingers
how many of those worst of the worst are in africa?
now, should we trust people with ancestry from belarus, lithuania, latvia, estonia or russia with carrying guns if they are qualified? btw if you notice... they are above mexico. they have a worse murder rate than mexico. russian gangs as many news shows have discussed at length have ruined not just any one city in russia, but russia itself.
you want to know about their global presence? they are considered the number one criminal threat in the world. look:
"Russian Mafia Leads Among Top 10 Criminal Organizations
Sep 17 2008 - 9:19am
Askmen.com has named the Russian mafia as the leading criminal organization in the world followed by the Yamaguchi-gumi syndicate, the biggest of Japan's Yakuza crime clans.
Ian Brandes of the Daily Record points out that the Russian mafia is involved in everything from stolen art to nuclear technology and that they often "leave rivals riddled with bullets in the streets of Moscow."
Moscow's Solntsevskaya Bratva, known as the Brotherhood, have just been named the worst criminal gang in the world in a major survey.
And the planet's most famous mobsters, the "Five Families" of the New YorkMafia, barely scrape into the top 10, Brandes points out.
Up-and-coming mobster Syergyej Mihajlov 'Mikhas' and a fellow gangster, Viktor Averin formed the organization in the mid-80s. They choose to ignore the codes and guidelines of the traditional thieves in law and based themselves on a more Western style, with Mikhas preferring to call himself a 'businessman' rather than a vor. However, strict discipline was still enforced and thieves in law were not excluded from the groups activities.
Eventually, gangs under the control of the syndicate controlled virtually the entire south-west of the city. The organization also merged with the influential Orekhovskaya gang, led by thief-in-law Syergyej Timofeyev. The union was partly a result of fear of warfare with Chechen mafia groups and other "southerners".
In 1989-1990, the arrests of several gang leaders including Mikhaylov crippled the organization. Several high ranking gangsters tried to form their own separate crews but ended up being murdered, including Alexander Bezuvkin (killed 1990), Dima Sharapov, Valera Merin, "Edik the Fridge", Uzbek Lenya and Abramov "Dispatcher" (all killed in 1993). In 1994 a meeting of mafia bosses was held in Vienna, shortly after which Timofeyev was murdered when a bomb in his car went off near the house of the then Russian prime minister. Timofeyev's heir to the leadership of Orekhovskaya, Igor "Max" Maksimov, was killed in February of 1995. However despite all the killings, by 1996 the bratva not only regained their strength lost in the early 90's but had actually become one of the most powerful criminal organizations in Russia. Mikhaylov used Timofeyev's death as an opportunity to take control of businesses previously owned by the Orekhovskaya organization. By the end of 1995, it was estimated the Solntsevskaya group controlled about 120 legitimate firms and businesses in the Moscow, Crimea and Samara regions. They also bought many businesses abroad.
In 1993, the members of the organization met with another powerful crime boss, Semion Mogilevich, to trade in art and antiques stolen from churches and museums in Central and Eastern Europe.
In 1996 Mikhaylov was arrested in Switzerland on a variety of charges. However as he sat in prison awaiting trail and the prosecutors were building their case, a number of key witnesses turned up dead and due to the lack of evidence provided by Russian authorities, a conviction was not possible. He remains free and the boss of the organization today.
In 1997 and 1998, the presence of Mikhailov, Semion Mogilevich and others associated with the Russian Mafia behind a public company, YBM Magnex International Inc., trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange, was exposed by Canadian journalists. On May 13, 1998 dozens of agents for the FBI and several other U.S. government agencies raided YBM's headquarters in Newtown, Pennsylvania. Shares in the public company, which had been valued at $1 billion on the TSE, became worthless overnight. Years later, (in 2003), Mogilevich and YBM associates, but not Mikhailov, would be placed on the FBI's "Most Wanted" List in connection with the scheme.
As of 1998, the Solntsevskaya gang contains around 5,000 members.
The Brotherhood maintains relationships with many legitimate businesses, offering these groups 'protection' the gang also assist the businesses when it comes to not-so-legal matters.
A 2003 report for the US Library of Congress revealed that the organization had a presence in Mexico and was working with local drug cartels as well as being involved in money laundering, prostitution, credit card fraud, human trafficking, arms deals and other illegal activity.
Anyone who threatens the Brotherhood's business tends to end up dead.
Former FBI agent Bob Levinson says the Russian Mafia are "the most dangerous people on earth".
No 2 in the gangland top 10 are the Yamaguchi-gumi syndicate, based in the city of Kobe and run by mastermind Shinobu Tsusaka.
The 40,000- strong Yamaguchi-gumi are among the world's wealthiest gangsters, bringing in billions of dollars a year from extortion, gambling, the sex industry, guns, drugs, and real estate and construction kickback schemes. They are also involved in stock market manipulation and Internet pornography.
Third place in the poll goes to an Italian Mafia gang - but not the Sicilian Cosa Nostra or the Camorra of Naples.
The little-known "'Ndrangheta", based in the southern district of Calabria, have ties to Colombian drug barons.
Some believe they are responsible for 80 per cent of Europe's cocaine trade.
While other Mafia gangs have been crippled by informers, the 'Ndrangheta have kept their vows of silence because the mob is built on close family ties.
Most gangs only care about cash. But the fourth mob on the list, India's D Company, have sinister ties to Islamic terror, according to Brandes. Boss of bosses Dawood Ibrahim masterminded a wave of bombings that killed 257 people in Mumbai in 1993.
Top 10 criminal organizations according to the study were as follows:
1 Solntsevskaya Bratva
2 Yamaguchi-gumi
3 'Ndrangheta
4 D Company
5 14K
6 Sicilian Mafia
7 Dai Huen Jai
8 Tijuana Cartel
9 United Bamboo
10 The US Mafia 'The Five Families'"
if it's blacks who are such a threat where are jamaican gangs, the crips, bloods or south african gangs on that list? if they are the worst where are they. they should be the most feared if you are correct. are you correct? (lol)
now as far as your american theory -
# 24 United States:
if it's so bad here why are we at 24? (lol)
i don't think it goes by race personally. but i don't base it on race. that would be stupid. especially when you look at actual facts.
Yes I know, Europe is just over ran with Russian gangsters and Russian criminals. I imagine they're commiting some 70% of all crime in Europe.

They don't compare to how violent negros are in the US

what a fool!!! dude you just said this
"Anyways Show me a US city or a European city ruined by Russians with a Russian majority population then I'll believe you." now you say 70% of all crime in europe is committed by russian gangs. wow! dude do you even keep track of what you are saying? get out of the fantyasy world dude and come into the real world. even you know it's true deep down underneath your fantasy.
talk about self pwnage!!!
Anyways as it is right now in the US there are more black men in jail then there are black men in college LOL Is this true for other races? And don't give me this "ohh its because they're poor shit"
yes, but that is not due to race guy. sorry. there are numerous factors. no more than whites are likely to commit crimes than are blacks. you said it yourself. there are many africans in europe. both former slaves and immigrants from africa itself. if it's black that are the problems why are russians committing in your own words 70% of the crime? race? sorry guy. try again.
Hispanics make less Money then Black by Average in the US therefore we are by average poorer then blacks yet we don't have as many people in Jail as negros. Hell if it wasn't for illegal immigration we would have a lot less people in jail.
The problem with Negros is that they have a smaller brain and higher levels of testosterone.
so why is columbia's crime rate above america's? it isn't black who are responsible for most of the crimes in columbia though there are blacks in columbia. why is that. if what you say is true it should be black columbians. we all know that is not the case. if what you said was true for blacks here it would then be the same for blacks there.
what about venezuela? their crime rate is higher as well. who is responsible for most crime there?
russians had the bomb before everyone but us. they had the technology to be second only to us militarily for years. they made it into space before us. yet as your own words state they are responsible for 70% of european crime. your words not mine. do they have smaller brains and higher testosterone levels as well? how did they beat us to the moon? bigger muscles?
Zimbabwe is a shit hole. It was doing great until they stole the farms from white farmers. Then when they took over the farms they ate all the cows and grain, sold all the farming equipment and didnt produce shit. Same thing is happening Africa.
yet they have a 90% literacy rate. how is that? if they are stupid animals as your posts suggests how are they ahead of the appalachias? they are supposed to have smaller brains according to you. how is that?
as a matter of fact let's look at a real fact.
america has a population of black according to you at 14%. on the overall list of nations we rank at 25 on the rankings.
in barbados "Close to 90% of all Barbadians (also known colloquially as Bajan) are of African descent ("Afro-Bajans")."
so it is comprised of 90% of people with higher testosterone levels and smaller brains according to you. so according to your theory they should be less educated. how could it be anything else according to your theory. yet according to the international rankings based in cia world factbook numbers they are #11. ahead of even russia (which is at 15 btw).
if what you say is not more of your whacky conspiracy theories how is this possible? (lol)
We praise 5th graders for beign able to read lol. I Guess we have different standards for Negros now? lol Anyways it doesn't mean shit if you aren't competent enought o run a country decently. Last tiem I check they were using 100 Trillion Zimbabwe dollar bills lol.
they could and you admitted as much. they mad some missteps, but before that they were very stable as you said yourself. they have a corrupt leader now doing anything to maintain power. 5th graders? literacy rates are counted all the way through graduation. the numbers are in the cia world factbook dude. 90%+. why are you in denial? why do you have to make things up? how do you explain barbados. of they are stupid they should not be able to compete with us and european countries. why is it they can?
You're right that Africas aren't in the top list of most brutal military Campaigns but have you asked yourself why?
they don't need guns. let's use hands, rocks, sticks, knives, swords and spears. take guns, bombs out of the equation. why aren't they going around the country killing people all the time? according to you they have smaller brains and and higher testosterone levels. they should be killing each other all the time. why do we have a higher murder rate than most of them? acccording to you they're a bunch of murdering animals so why aren't african countries at the top of the list? there's one and then jamaica. then the others are in latin america and the most are in europe. not just europe. why is that? why?
For one they don't have the mental capacity to produce advance weapons. NIGGERS never invented shit. Theyt didnt even invent the fucking wheel. Thats why they are called Spear chuckers. So ofcourse this fucking spearchuckers will never had any brutal wars. Unlike Romans who were already using artillery and bronze 2000 years ago.
dude they don't need them. btw if that's true how did they drive so many european colonists out of their countries? but let's put that aside for now. give them knives, swords, rocks, hands and swords. why aren't they waking up killing each other at a higher rate than their european counterparts? look at the top ten guy?
if only blacks are so brutal why did the entire nation of germany pretty much do what it did? why did the serbians do what they did. they are supposed to be responsible with weapons. why the atrocities if they have lower testosterone and bigger brains? they are supposed to be more trustworthy with guns. that's what you said. so what happened. oh and speaking of the romans why did they do what they did? bigger brains and lower testosterone according to you so what happened? well? explain. no matter wht guns they have they should never do that b/c of that.
Second Negros Never wrote down their history! So ofcourse no one is goignto have any fuckign Idea what was goign on in Niggerl and in the 1500s!
You see where I'm getting at? Thats just the way it is. Open yoru stupid eyes.
open my stupid eyes huh? (lol) this is going to feel real good.
did you say africans weren't writing down history in the 1500's?
"The key to a sizeable portion of Sahelian Africa?s written memory is buried in Timbuktu, city perched on the crest of the Niger River in Mali. There, in the 15th century, at the height of the gold and salt trade, merchants and scholars are thick as thieves and the 25,000 African students enrolled at the University of Sankore camp in front of the ulemas reputed to be exceptionally erudite. In this ?city of 333 saints?, the arrival of a number of Arab-Berber intellectuals, fleeing Muslim Andalusia invaded by Christians, determines, for one, instruction of the Arabic language and Islamic science. In 1512, Leo Africanus reports that higher profits can be made there from selling books than from any other merchandise ? proving the value of the written word.
Today some of these manuscript documents have vital political significance, as for instance the Tarikh el Sudan that traces the succession of the chiefs of Timbuktu in the 15th century, or the Tarikh el Fetash, which does the same for medieval
Sudan. The existence of this heritage clearly refutes the stereotype that characterizes Africa as a continent of exclusively oral tradition."
hmmm. where did you do your research? oh let me guess as usual you made it up. you fantasized it just like dressing up in military garb and pretending to have been a marine. marine's are proud of their service and of their fellow marines and would never dishonor their fallen brothers and sisters. you lie. just like you lied in almost everything in this thread i'm catching you on with facts not made up fantasies. facts. read em and weep.
Thats because Poor people are uneducated. Their intelligence level and lack of motivation makes them poor. It might also be their philosophy where in which they don't believe in Materialism. I don't except you to understand that since you only look at things with your Western eyes.
really yet in barbados with a 90% black population they have a higher literacy rate than us. how is that? according to you blacks are stupid and animals. so how can they be better educated on average than us? they are poor too.
but i see you admit poverty does have a lot to do with people's circumstances. now. i've been to numerous countries including the americas and one of the poorest regions in the world in asia. i've been to europe as well. sorry guy, but i've seen kids eating food out of dirty animal feces and urine saturated streets. that's why i have an open mind. i've been there, i've met the people. sorry guy. try again. you are losing because you live in a fantasy world and choose to make things up instead of doing research and educating yourself.
Arabs have lived in in North Africa for thousands of years now. They were the rear ezzzyptions. African governments treat their own much worst. Negros are their own worst enemies.
really? you named darfur. and egyptians are a recent minority in egypt. ancient egyptians were not arab. in fact ancient egyptians are believed to be a mix of early middle eastern races and peoples of african black race. sorry guy. you say there are governments worse than those in darfur who are believed to be killing 10,000 of their own people a month? which african country has been doing this for as long? your argument is really crumbling kid.
Well I guess Arabs hate Negros more then do lol.
and that's ^^^^ what it comes down to. you don't like black people. you could have just said that, but you make things up and fantasize about how you wish it was. so... who stole your girlfriend? ror!!!!!!!
I have Poor people are more uneducated and less intelligent. They also tend to think more short term and less long term. Poor people would rather do drugs and buy beer now then save money and plan for the future. Don't tell me this shit aint true. I seen to many of them to believe otherwise.
lol!!!!! that's what i've been saying fool! that's my argument. hence they are more likely to commit crimes. they will have higher crime rates especially in cities. as you said yourself russians are responsible for 70% of crime in europe your words. do you think those gangsters came from middlecalss, rich or poor families?
Its their fucking mentality that put them there. I have a few family members who grew up poor that now own their own business and 250 hundred dollar home and they don't even speak English that well and didn't even go to college... So wtf is their fuckign excuse? Especially if they live in a country like the US where you have a bunch of free shit available?
oh really. my father was born poor and so was his brother and sister. their parents worked hard but because of the fact they were born poor they weren't allowed to rise. i grew up with very wealthy people. one family gave their son a new lambo for his 45th b-day just because they hadn't seen him in a while and didn't want him to forget mom. they own well known media outfits and if i named them you'd be like "damn!"
they are nice and an exception, but there are others who are wealthy (not that wealthy) but wealthy. we aren't we're middleclass. but my family came here got lucky and worked hard and met them along the way. they liked them and they became friends. so that's how we know them. i can tell you some of the other rich families we know want nothing to do with those not at their station. they might help out a little here and there, but not that much. most are more likely to intermingle with their own. jobs and connections follow along in those paths as well. i've seen it.
it is very hard to become wealthy most people no matter how hard they work do not. in facts even in america statistics show most people won't make much more than their parents (adjusting for inflation) on an average. that's all people. here the rich stay rich and everyone stays where they are for the most part. since the 70's the rich have gotten richer while the rest got poorer or stayed the same. even you must be aware of that. so in the land of milk and honey it really isn't just a matter of working hard all the time. most pretty much stay where they are.
in foreign countries people are even more stagnant in terms of upward mobility economically. there if you are poor no one will give you breaks for the most part. they want to mingle with their own kind and that's that. even here it's like that. it has little to do with mentality, but everything to do with economics and class. sorry guy. idk if you went to college, but if you've ever taken sociology you'd learn this. it's common knowledge.
yeah hard work matters, but opportunity matters more. family connections and education even more so. family wealth and influence as well. it's not to be hated on just fact.
In other words you're saying its White man's fault. Jee I didnt see this one coming....
ror!!!!! i'm saying it's colonialism and it's legacy. if it were blacks doing the colonizing it would be the same. their tribes were torn apart and thrust into situations with other tribes. lands that once belonged to a tribe were now split between themselves and others, they had to start over from scratch. that is the fact. white or black. look at what happened to russia when they fell apart gangs came in and took over and they were much more stable.
if you've ever studied african geography for instance you'd know the companies milking these countries were foreign countries who never left. diamonds, oil, gold you name it vast majority run by foreign countries. you would also know those companies use their money to buy governments and support rebels when those governments become too powerful abd start saying "hey those are our resources." this keeps nations destabilized. that's simple fact kid. take a class. lol. white has nothing to do with it. it's foreign destabilization and the legacy of colonialism. they have only been free since the 50's and 60's most of them. due to the fact of various tribes with thousands of years of history living on the same lands they are still vying to get their balance.
There wasn't shit in Sub Sahara Africa. It was just a bunch of tribes fighting against each other living in the stone age.
they lived in orderly tribes with laws and cultures that stretched back thousands of years. they actually weren't running around chopping each other's heads off all over the place. most had law and order and very rigid rules that most in the tribes adhered to. it's in the history books kid you have done nothing to educate yourself. they were doing just fine. they had agriculture and trading that covered the continent and even reached into other continents as well. this included writing as i proved earlier that predated colonialism. sorry if it proves you ignorant. but you are. (lol)
Even if your arguemen IS TRUE why the fuck do Africans accept the white man's rules? WHy do they accept the borders that arent even real? This is such a stupid fuckign argument.
because they had been broken up. they had lived that way for years. going back wasn't a snap of the fingers. their entire ways of life had been upended. during colonialism they weren't allowed to practice their own religions for one so there is one example of cultural upheaval. we are talking religions that had lasted thousands of years forgotten through generations of colonial rule.
their cultures were broken up too. they were not allowed to live as they had, so for generation they were forced to live the lives of servants under the colonial rulers. again they had no way to know how to go back even if they wanted to.
they had to negotiate border rights and placement with people of tribal origins that in many cases they had been rivals with before the colonists arrived. when the colonists arrived one of the methods of divide and conquer was to play one tribe against another. they would take one and give them better jobs and positions in society. often these were the minority tribes. this way they kept the numbers of rebellion more in their favor.
they lived this way for generations. when the colonists left or were forced out the tensions remained. these tensions had existed all through colonialism. so many went through a period of peace followed by civil war caused by you guessed ti rival ethnic tribal tensions. if you bothered to read up on this stuff it's pretty elementary. they are still struggling to live with the instability and essentially starting from scratch with these tensions underlying everything.
Here's the thing. For example If someone where to come into my family and setup rules that made us fight against each other that Makes me and my family stupid for following the rules that were setup for us...
if they used tanks and your family didn't have them that would make your family conquered not stupid. necessarily. they have lived for generations by their rules and knew nothing else, they forgot their way of life and had to start a new life. that doesn't happen over night. for most it takes hundreds if not thousands of years. same thing happened in europe. if you read your history. of course we know you haven't...
Youread Leftist books design to blame everything on Western Society. Africa is full of natural resources and could've been a great place to live if it was ran by the right type of people. As if is right now its a shit hole and will always be a shit hole. Pouring money into it won't make a difference.
really name those books. go ahead and list the leftist books i read designed to blame everything on western society. as i said they have to work out their problems, but the problems come from colonialism and it's legacy. because you have not educated yourself is not my problem i took the courses and read many books and studies the statistics. i put in the effort whereas you did not. the problems of nations are many fold and not the stuff odf simplistic conspiracy theories. africa was full of tribes that lived according to rules and tradition. some stone aged and some very civilized and educated.
their ordered lives were torn apart. they were not allowed to live according to their cultures and religions and traditions. when they were on their own they were left with shards. that's the truth. you don't need to pity anyone at all. but understand the full facts and history. educate yourself before you step in it and make a fool of yourself as usual.
thanks again. that was fun. and remember europe was once what you describe as a s*** hole. it took thousands of years to get to where they are and they still have wars and nations are broken up. and sorry to tell you but you are not european. try being you guy. stop faking.