I Think what you fail to understand with your brain is regardless of race, higher crime occurs in low income communities. so before you try to belittle someone or talk.. you should do some research.
you shouldn't let your personal prejudices interfere with reality. / what kind of life is that anyways?
Not Necessarily. You need to seriosuly do some research instead of being so bigoted and ignorant to believe that all poor communities are all more violent.
Appalachia in West Virginia is one of the Poorest parts in the whole United States yet they are one of the safest places to live in. You probably never heard about them huh?
The District of Columbia on the other hand is one of the wealthiest parts in the US yet its also one of the most dangerous.....
Whats the difference between this two places? The Difference is White and Black. Literally lol.
There are also many poor spots in Latin America that are very poor yet you have little crime.