G G Gonzalo May 19, 2010 your eyes really blue? thats cool dont see to many chicanas with natural blue eyes, usually contacts( but cool now me and you have something in common)
your eyes really blue? thats cool dont see to many chicanas with natural blue eyes, usually contacts( but cool now me and you have something in common)
T T troubles-81 May 19, 2010 couldnt help it mama seen them eyes y luego esos lips mhmhm...shit too much...so what u bn up wr u b kikin it at???
couldnt help it mama seen them eyes y luego esos lips mhmhm...shit too much...so what u bn up wr u b kikin it at???
D D dbox May 19, 2010 http://www.myspace.com/dbox110totheend new track "skonka" check it out thanks !