E E ElUnico1 May 22, 2010 dont worry baby ill tell him to take chill pill and stop ok but i wont leave u ok
S S SMILY_16 May 19, 2010 hey you que pasa????? how is life and is your baby girl sick???? did she get the flu that is going around ???
hey you que pasa????? how is life and is your baby girl sick???? did she get the flu that is going around ???
S S SMILY_16 May 18, 2010 ooh i love that pic of your baby girl with twittey how cutte !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
N N n3to May 17, 2010 h3y mija yew kan kall today i wuz buisy and i couldnt go to da phone . but now today yew kan kall today if yew want
h3y mija yew kan kall today i wuz buisy and i couldnt go to da phone . but now today yew kan kall today if yew want
E E ElUnico1 May 17, 2010 4 real im feeling gucci come dicen los niggas lol im gucci cuz i got u and lok and feel gud damn lol im stupid te am o
4 real im feeling gucci come dicen los niggas lol im gucci cuz i got u and lok and feel gud damn lol im stupid te am o
E E ElUnico1 May 17, 2010 thank u vic that makes me more happy 4 real lok =) u see lol im stupid te amo