L L LaRicanRarity Apr 12, 2010 My time on the library is on 55 secs again lol so I will chat with you later Giga. Have a good day.
L L LaRicanRarity Apr 12, 2010 Haha honey my birth control is abstinence lol.I am just chillin right now.How about you?
L L LaRicanRarity Apr 12, 2010 Cool.I have been great but I had to watch my niece 4 a whole week b/c my sis was sick in the hospital but she came out today.I am soo happy to be free I told myself Rosa don't have no kids!!haha.
Cool.I have been great but I had to watch my niece 4 a whole week b/c my sis was sick in the hospital but she came out today.I am soo happy to be free I told myself Rosa don't have no kids!!haha.
L L LaRicanRarity Apr 12, 2010 haha hey Giga yeah I have not been on in a bit I have been busy but I had decide to come on today.How you been?
haha hey Giga yeah I have not been on in a bit I have been busy but I had decide to come on today.How you been?