M M Mr.Magic 3C Mar 8, 2010 ese mijo323 axd el baby face fuck both you putos yall aix"t about shit axd you aix"t from xo south gate puto you fuck ix waxa b3
ese mijo323 axd el baby face fuck both you putos yall aix"t about shit axd you aix"t from xo south gate puto you fuck ix waxa b3
M M Mr.Magic 3C Mar 8, 2010 k-oxda esa mi cuzix southside really does love you but he was mad because he was goixg to fight some norputa today that's why he was mad esa but i know he didn't meax to say that esa i'm goixg to talk to him later ok
k-oxda esa mi cuzix southside really does love you but he was mad because he was goixg to fight some norputa today that's why he was mad esa but i know he didn't meax to say that esa i'm goixg to talk to him later ok
M M Mijo323 Mar 8, 2010 damz i'm sry mija shit if that vato didn't know he had it good then fukk it other vatos out there mija
damz i'm sry mija shit if that vato didn't know he had it good then fukk it other vatos out there mija
S S SOUTHS1D3 Mar 8, 2010 Oh ok y te as portado bien o k onda ehh y no pues i care about u y nuestro hijo