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Recent content by Highspeed

  1. H

    Beautiful women are Bad for Men's Health

    http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20100505/attractive-women-100505/20100505?hub=TopStoriesV2 I fuckin knew it.
  2. H

    Boy with cancer becomes superhero for a day

    Stories like this make me remember that this world full of shit can be worth living in sometimes. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/htm...ronboy30m.html
  3. H

    What would u do?

    I'd hit em with a sock full of nickels.
  4. H

    Uncommon unique names????

    I have a friend named Darisela, I think she's the only female in history to have that name haha and I've always loved it.
  5. H

    The Dachshund and the Leopard...

    A wealthy man decided to go on a safari in Africa. He took his faithful pet dachshund along for company. One day, the dachshund starts chasing butterflies and before long the dachshund discovers that he is lost. So, wandering about, he notices a leopard heading rapidly in his direction with the...
  6. H

    * Weirdest dream you ever had ? *

    Z no more scary movies for you.
  7. H

    * Weirdest dream you ever had ? *

    I HAD A DREAM...that allllllll men were created equal and yada yada yada. All kidding aside, the other night I had a dream I was playing golf with Obama and he said he'd put me on his secret service if I could make a hole in one. Woke up before I found out if I did :p

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