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  1. ?

    FYI....just think it's interesting

    It's very narrow minded and arrogant for U.S. citizens to say we are being taken advantage by indigenous undocumented migrants while ignoring the fact that our foreign policy takes far more advantage of other countries than the citizens of those countries, their resources and labor
  2. ?

    Sheriff Joe appreciation thread

    ^ This unfunny and lame NeoCon pedophile creates multiple accounts to agree with himself
  3. ?

    Over 1 MiLLiON Strong AGAINST the Arizona Immigration Law SB1070 on FaceBook

    ^ LOL @ this NeoCon tryin 2 play it off
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    As the Lation population increases

    Unfortunately they are: http://oybay.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/sf_shoah_graffiti.jpg http://images.icnetwork.co.uk/upl/ayrshirepost/jul2008/8/3/310D9C4B-0FEE-370F-F4689AED0FD89ECC.jpg http://blogs.ocweekly.com/navelgazing/santananazi.jpg
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    Mexicans Unite to Oppose Arizona's Anti-Illegals Law

    wecool http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1985476,00.html By Ioan Grillo / Mexico City Wednesday, Apr. 28, 2010...
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    Non-Citizen U.S. War Vets Facing Deportation Despite Military Promises of Citizenship

    [wavey] mediagrrl9 ? April 05, 2010 ? We take a look at the threat of deportation that non-citizen veterans of American wars continue to face despite US military promises of citizenship. We talk to Rohan Coombs, a Jamaican-born U.S. vet who was in the US marine corps for six years and...
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    The Beto Cowboy School Fund

    ^ so based on your flawed logic one can surmise that Jesus Christ wasn't a real man since he wore sandals
  8. ?

    America Must Boycott Arizona

    i agree http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mario-solismarich/america-must-boycott-ariz_b_539160.html Mario Solis-Marich Progressive talk radio show host...
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    Latino Leaders Push For Boycott Of Arizona

    ksbwtv ? May 05, 2010 ? Several Hispanic community leaders met in Salinas on Wednesday to discuss the new Arizona immigration law. Embedding is disabled so click on the link to see the footage on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSiwGkv1PkI&feature=related
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    Sheriff Joe appreciation thread

    ^ Excuse me for not laughing at your mediocre jokes and for intruding on your Sheriff Joe Man-Crush Thread
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    Sheriff Joe appreciation thread

    ^ you have a mediocre sense of humor
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    African Americans Raise Voices Against Arizona Law

    <object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/w9pTr0PCWnI&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed...
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    Sheriff Joe appreciation thread

    It's amusing to see self-hating in the closet gay NeoCons displaying their Man-Crush for a NeoCon in a uniform
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    African Americans Raise Voices Against Arizona Law

    Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson Stands Against SB 1070 <object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/dpjJmcku5zc&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess"...
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    Tim Wise-The Pathology of White Privilege

    ^ ain't nothin wrong wit promoting the advancement of indigenous peoples who struggling against Western imperialism, European colonization, White Supremacy and ethnocide
  16. ?

    Sign Petition to Stop SB 1070!!

    ^ It's funny to see Know-Nothing NeoCons accusing other of not knowing nothing LMAO
  17. ?

    Lynne Stevens known for pointing her pistol at Day Laborers in Arizona

    ^ ask your mom to tell you I taught her how to speak Latin while gettin it on wit her between da white sheets
  18. ?

    Lynne Stevens known for pointing her pistol at Day Laborers in Arizona

    in the closet homosexual pedophile NeoCons sure have sadistic sexual fantasies that involve an armed man in a uniform doing his job unprofessionally by abusing his authority and committing police brutality
  19. ?

    Lynne Stevens known for pointing her pistol at Day Laborers in Arizona

    NeoCon Minutemen are cowards and won't do it. If they did, they would get smoked for pointing their guns at a cholo and Minute Men would get locked up and get gang raped in prison with no vaseline

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