Talk to a doctor and tell the doc that some brawd spit in your face and have him give you a medical exam and tell your lawyer to make sure this girl and her parents pay for the medical bill of your exam
^ what's really creepy here is how you have created multiple accounts to impersonate pop culture figures as a means of dumbing down discussions here and trolling around on these forums
Goddamn that's fiscally unconservative, expensive and unnecessary yet fake conservatives want to continue to throw money at the problem although doing this has been an epic failure as the facts prove. It's ironic how NeoCons get on their soapboxes to advocate fiscal conservatism and small...
Never in a million years would I have thought that the two biggest douchebags here, one being a White Supremacist who is a self-hating in the closet homo and another a queer from SD would find true love on this site :')