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So mexicans are taking jobs from americans

thisis a silly assertion that is not supported by facts on the ground, and it ignores historical facts that tend to conflict with the very nice "Americans deserve work" race baiting that is unfortunatly prevelant amongst labor minded people that should target multinationals and not the workers at the bottom of the pile.

It's a huge burden to the US taxpayer, not only are they breaking
unions (meat packing), vunerable to gross exploitation, they also
work the system w/ fake social security numbers and are being
subsidized by the US taxpayer.

I would like to know the number of immigrant workers receiving adequate healthcare in this country, how many of them are receiving Social Security benefits, or whom otherwise are "gaming" a system, in a langauge most of them hardly understand.

The issue of union breaking is a nice example of dividing a class amongst racial/immigrant lines that union-busting corporations love to do. The response of many old-line unions to the immigrant issue, which is namely to be nativist and close minded, is what sealed their fate and led to the massive drop in union strength. You can't stop the immigrant issue, short of building a huge wall across the Mexican border, and even then, people will come in. Until Mexico has reasonable union rights and labor laws, as well as environmental laws, an issue we can force onto the multinationals through a variety of action, there will be no stop to the flood.

Even if a compromise for migrant field workers is done...
you cannot have that many operating not only in an underground
economy, but on top of it, working the US social services system
and Medicaid system when US citizens cannot get health care
and are getting wiped out in Medical bills.

If we earn health care and other rights by locking ourselves up in an ivory tower, nothing is changed, and its only a matter of time before the multinational barbarians break down the door. Multinationals and corporations work on a global scale and people are still only concerned about local fiefdoms.
What is so sad about this issue is that we're conditioned to pick a side on this topic--either white or black (no pun intended) but the reality is: illegal immigrants are human beings. If they were a pack of dogs trying to cross the border, they'd be treated better.

The real issue is money. Illegal immigration IMHO, is the equivalent of modern day slavery because countries such as Mexico and Cuba and most of Latin America benefit from the cashflow entering their respective economies as a result of illegal immigration into the U.S. Imagine the billions of dollars these countries would lose if their residents didn't cross the border? The financial loss would be catastrophic.

In addition, the pressure cooker of discontent inside these countries could explode, and immigration serves as a release valve, which allows the politicians to get away with business-as-usual instead of creating jobs and opportunites for their citizens.

How many dead lie in the desert? How many have become shark bait in the ocean? All because politicians play their games instead of take care of their people.

And while the U.S. benefited from illegal immigration for many years, now it's become an issue because of the sheer size of the Latino population in the U.S. That scares people into thinking we're only about crime and welfare. And we all know that's not true.

And honestly, what American wouldn't resort to crossing a desert and risk his life to take feed his family? Who can possibly blame them? Seriously.

Rant over. Sorry. I get emotional about this.
^^i wonder if this m******** ever reads a full article?

The first fallacy lies in the very concept of ?American? jobs. In fact, today?s economy is so globally integrated that the idea of jobs having a national identity is practically useless. In many industries, employers seek to reduce costs by employing the poorest, most vulnerable people. They do this by moving to parts of the world where poverty and inequality create a vulnerable labor force, and by supporting policies that create poverty and inequality at home?including immigration policies that keep immigrants coming, and keep them vulnerable. So we?ll look at what the concept of ?American jobs? really means.

Fence, fence, fence and stop the visas.

"MYTH: Weak border enforcement has led to high rates of undocumented immigration. We should increase enforcement and build a wall around our border.
FACT: Increased border security and the construction of border fences have done little to curb the flow of immigrants across the United States border. Instead, these policies have only succeeded in pushing border crossers into dangerous and less-patrolled regions, and increased the undocumented population by creating an incentive for immigrants not to leave.
Building a wall along the entire 2000-mile southern U.S. border would be prohibitively expensive. According to a study by the Cato Institute, rather than acting as a deterrent to those attempting to cross the border, increased enforcement has only succeeded in pushing immigration flows into more remote, less patrolled regions, resulting in a tripling of the death rate at the border and decreased apprehensions, and creating a dramatic increase in taxpayer money spent on making arrests along the border (from $300 per arrest in 1992 to $1,200 per arrest in 2002).48

Furthermore, increased border enforcement has actually increased the number of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. at any one time. The increased risk and cost to immigrants of crossing the border has resulted in fewer undocumented immigrants returning to their home countries for periods of time as part of the decades-long circular migration patterns that characterize undocumented immigration from Mexico up until the 1990s. Instead, immigrants stay in the United States for longer periods of time, often choosing to immigrate their families to avoid longer periods of separation.49

The Secure Fence Act of 2006 directed the Department of Homeland Security to construct 850 miles of additional border fencing. According to a report by Congressional Research Services, the San Diego fence, combined with increased border patrol agents in the area, succeeded in decreasing border crossing in that region, but at the same time there is considerable evidence that the flow of illegal immigration has shifted to the more remote areas of the Arizona desert, decreasing the number of apprehensions and increasing the cost.50"


all this time on bp and he still doesn't know jack...

thanks for that opportunity
What is so sad about this issue is that we're conditioned to pick a side on this topic--either white or black (no pun intended) but the reality is: illegal immigrants are human beings. If they were a pack of dogs trying to cross the border, they'd be treated better.

there it is two profound sentences. i agreei agree
thisis a silly assertion that is not supported by facts on the ground, and it ignores historical facts that tend to conflict with the very nice "Americans deserve work" race baiting that is unfortunatly prevelant amongst labor minded people that should target multinationals and not the workers at the bottom of the pile.

It's a huge burden to the US taxpayer, not only are they breaking
unions (meat packing), vunerable to gross exploitation, they also
work the system w/ fake social security numbers and are being
subsidized by the US taxpayer.

I would like to know the number of immigrant workers receiving adequate healthcare in this country, how many of them are receiving Social Security benefits, or whom otherwise are "gaming" a system, in a langauge most of them hardly understand.

The issue of union breaking is a nice example of dividing a class amongst racial/immigrant lines that union-busting corporations love to do. The response of many old-line unions to the immigrant issue, which is namely to be nativist and close minded, is what sealed their fate and led to the massive drop in union strength. You can't stop the immigrant issue, short of building a huge wall across the Mexican border, and even then, people will come in. Until Mexico has reasonable union rights and labor laws, as well as environmental laws, an issue we can force onto the multinationals through a variety of action, there will be no stop to the flood.

Even if a compromise for migrant field workers is done...
you cannot have that many operating not only in an underground
economy, but on top of it, working the US social services system
and Medicaid system when US citizens cannot get health care
and are getting wiped out in Medical bills.

If we earn health care and other rights by locking ourselves up in an ivory tower, nothing is changed, and its only a matter of time before the multinational barbarians break down the door. Multinationals and corporations work on a global scale and people are still only concerned about local fiefdoms.

nice post money. i agreei agree
FACT: Building a wall along the entire 2000-mile southern U.S. border would be prohibitively expensive. According to a study by the Cato Institute, rather than acting as a deterrent to those attempting to cross the border, increased enforcement has only succeeded in pushing immigration flows into more remote, less patrolled regions, resulting in a tripling of the death rate at the border and decreased apprehensions, and creating a dramatic increase in taxpayer money spent on making arrests along the border (from $300 per arrest in 1992 to $1,200 per arrest in 2002).48

Goddamn that's fiscally unconservative, expensive and unnecessary yet fake conservatives want to continue to throw money at the problem although doing this has been an epic failure as the facts prove. It's ironic how NeoCons get on their soapboxes to advocate fiscal conservatism and small government yet they seek to increase the size and power of government so that it plays the role of big brother by wasting gazillions of taxpayers of money to militarize the border, provide high paying jobs and socialized healthcare to an elite few of border agents even though this is an unnecessary financial burden placed on already overburdened taxpayers
What is so sad about this issue is that we're conditioned to pick a side on this topic--either white or black (no pun intended) but the reality is: illegal immigrants are human beings. If they were a pack of dogs trying to cross the border, they'd be treated better.

The real issue is money. Illegal immigration IMHO, is the equivalent of modern day slavery because countries such as Mexico and Cuba and most of Latin America benefit from the cashflow entering their respective economies as a result of illegal immigration into the U.S. Imagine the billions of dollars these countries would lose if their residents didn't cross the border? The financial loss would be catastrophic.

In addition, the pressure cooker of discontent inside these countries could explode, and immigration serves as a release valve, which allows the politicians to get away with business-as-usual instead of creating jobs and opportunites for their citizens.

How many dead lie in the desert? How many have become shark bait in the ocean? All because politicians play their games instead of take care of their people.

And while the U.S. benefited from illegal immigration for many years, now it's become an issue because of the sheer size of the Latino population in the U.S. That scares people into thinking we're only about crime and welfare. And we all know that's not true.

And honestly, what American wouldn't resort to crossing a desert and risk his life to take feed his family? Who can possibly blame them? Seriously.

Rant over. Sorry. I get emotional about this.

A lot of what you say is very understanding . But there are some items that can be debated here. You say they are not a pack of dogs , but many of them have no respect for this country . Illegal immigrants are a long ways from being considered slaves . Your opinion on the money is true,it dose involve money . Its not the United States responsibility to fund poor country's . At one time the USA did not have to deal with this influx of illegals so they can send money back .

You are correct on the Governments response to immigration . But it has been said many times that these "" Latinos "" are uneducated. The strong always pick on the weak . And these Government officials know what the " Latino " people are .

I did a quick Goggle on the poorest/richest country's are. Out of 181 country's Mexico is 59 a far far cry from being a poor country .
A lot of what you say is very understanding . But there are some items that can be debated here. You say they are not a pack of dogs , but many of them have no respect for this country . Illegal immigrants are a long ways from being considered slaves . Your opinion on the money is true,it dose involve money . Its not the United States responsibility to fund poor country's . At one time the USA did not have to deal with this influx of illegals so they can send money back .

You are correct on the Governments response to immigration . But it has been said many times that these "" Latinos "" are uneducated. The strong always pick on the weak . And these Government officials know what the " Latino " people are .

I did a quick Goggle on the poorest/richest country's are. Out of 181 country's Mexico is 59 a far far cry from being a poor country .
if you don't understand what a person is talking about, then you shouldn't respond.It just makes you look more of an ass than you already do.

btw he was talking about modern day slavery (capitalism) not the slaves your forefathers used to own.
if you don't understand what a person is talking about, then you shouldn't respond.It just makes you look more of an ass than you already do.

btw he was talking about modern day slavery (capitalism) not the slaves your forefathers used to own.

Its getting childish that people here can't debate a simple opinion without you making a cocky ass remark . Its so childish .
A lot of what you say is very understanding . But there are some items that can be debated here. You say they are not a pack of dogs , but many of them have no respect for this country . Illegal immigrants are a long ways from being considered slaves . Your opinion on the money is true,it dose involve money . Its not the United States responsibility to fund poor country's . At one time the USA did not have to deal with this influx of illegals so they can send money back .

You are correct on the Governments response to immigration . But it has been said many times that these "" Latinos "" are uneducated. The strong always pick on the weak . And these Government officials know what the " Latino " people are .

I did a quick Goggle on the poorest/richest country's are. Out of 181 country's Mexico is 59 a far far cry from being a poor country .
this is beyond mere liberal stupidity.


it's official, you are a self-serving hipocrite, we all know there is plenty of jobs to go around in america for citizens without crossing any frontiers of what the immigrants do for shit jobs.

allowing a million or so immigrants does not have any real influence on America’s majority-European demographics. It would decrease the European-American slice of the demographic pie by less than one percent.

soo to what extend are they talking our jobs Mr liberal?
this is beyond mere liberal stupidity.


it's official, you are a self-serving hipocrite, we all know there is plenty of jobs to go around in america for citizens without crossing any frontiers of what the immigrants do for shit jobs.

allowing a million or so immigrants does not have any real influence on America?s majority-European demographics. It would decrease the European-American slice of the demographic pie by less than one percent.

soo to what extend are they talking our jobs Mr liberal?

Hmmmm ! Plenty of jobs you say . All you have to do is look at the unemployment rate to see that .

One million immigrants have no influence ,you say ? That might could be true if they were coming from more than one country . But as you know the majority of them are coming from Mexico .

This is based on your assumption that Europeans are whites . Correct ? I read that the " Latinos " are suppose to be the majority by 2050 or something like that . My math indicates thats a lot more than "" !% "" . Where did you come up with that " one million " immigrants . Nobody knows for sure but its estimated at 12 to 20 million and counting .
This is based on your assumption that Europeans are whites . Correct ? I read that the " Latinos " are suppose to be the majority by 2050 or something like that . My math indicates thats a lot more than "" !% "" . Where did you come up with that " one million " immigrants . Nobody knows for sure but its estimated at 12 to 20 million and counting .

hmm..i read this propaganda somewhere before.......Stormfront?
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