I'd me more worried about the mexican cartels kidnapping you. A lot of them jumping the border just to kidnap people from the US, and selling them back for ransom, if you don't pay back then your head gets chopped off, but if you still want to move, I'd say go to new mexico...in texas they put...
It really depends on what type of things they did in thier pasts. If it's something minor, then I really don't have a problem with it, but if it's something big that I might not like, for example "prostitution". Then that is a different story.
So I think a persons past is pretty serious.
I don't see how the white and black guy can talk about illegal aliens when their ancestors both came here. The United States belongs to the Native Americans, and the white man stole thier proper land.
That black guy might be an american citizen but his ancestors came here by boat from africa...