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* Weirdest dream you ever had ? *


Okay, so I know everyone dreams up random crazy shit.. Whats the most craziest, weirdest dream you've ever had ?

Heres mine :

I was walking in a wooded area, it was coated in snow. There were pine trees for miles, and snow-capped mountains.. I was wearing like an old school lookind dress, and then this hobo man pops out of no-where and flashes me his privates, only he had a vagina instead of a penis, hella weird. I started to run and as I ran the snow turned into water, and I was in this big lake, there were trees and stuff at the bottom of the lake, i finally reached a bank and got out of the water, when I looked again the water was blood red, then I woke up..

The only reason I classify this as one of the weirdest dreams ive had is because of the vagina hobo and the trees being under the water.. It was weird.. I know i've way crazier dreams just can't remember..

K.. Your turn!
lmao a hobo wit a vagina x]

once i had dis dream an albondiga con patas
was chasin me and i was running and running and running
and then it was gonna eat me so i woke up lmao

girl i swear i have the stupidest dreams ever lol
I HAD A DREAM...that allllllll men were created equal and yada yada yada. All kidding aside, the other night I had a dream I was playing golf with Obama and he said he'd put me on his secret service if I could make a hole in one. Woke up before I found out if I did :p
Ive had alot of weird dreams but dis is just one dat i remembered rite now.....

One time i dreamed dat i was n a house n all of a sudden sum ugly ass creatures were cumin out da walls, like crawling out da walls. Old blak creatures w claws n sharp teeth but n human bodies. N den while i was runnin from dem da floor started breakin apart n sumthing started pullin me down, n when i looked down there was fire n blak figures down there. So i started screamin n dats when i woke up. :(
^ Actually i dont like watchin scary movies b4 i go to sleep, cuz of dat same reason :(. So i dont knw wats causin dem dreams. :(
Okay, so I know everyone dreams up random crazy shit.. Whats the most craziest, weirdest dream you've ever had ?

Heres mine :

I was walking in a wooded area, it was coated in snow. There were pine trees for miles, and snow-capped mountains.. I was wearing like an old school lookind dress, and then this hobo man pops out of no-where and flashes me his privates, only he had a vagina instead of a penis, hella weird. I started to run and as I ran the snow turned into water, and I was in this big lake, there were trees and stuff at the bottom of the lake, i finally reached a bank and got out of the water, when I looked again the water was blood red, then I woke up..

The only reason I classify this as one of the weirdest dreams ive had is because of the vagina hobo and the trees being under the water.. It was weird.. I know i've way crazier dreams just can't remember..

K.. Your turn!

hhhmmmm i really dnt dream but when i do i dream about
babies and candy lol idk wtf i dream but i dream so random shit.....
wtf babies and candy ....hmmmmm
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