Simon I know what u me I do...pero naw chale...just learn 2 live with it...or get past they say live 2 the fullest with no regrets...hard times get 2 u simon...but we have 2 get past that like I said....pain and strugglin is a part of life...its what makes good times so...
so?? gonna b life...ppl get hurt all the time...pain is a part of life....if it wasnt 4 and joy wouldnt b so dam special now would it...there aint nothing wrong with being "too sensitive" and "gettin carried away too much in a relationship, givin all my heart"....ur blessed 2...
(Verse 1)
Conceived into the belly of hell
Listen up nigga cause I got a story to tell
Umbilical cord choking my breath before I even took a breath
My mission was failure, never to accomplish anything before death
Anger swelling inside my child skin
Growing wild within
Resentment compiled...
orale...a normal cal??....or a graphing 1??...they have a PC at home q no...computers usually have 1 already in th eprogram...a basic one...y si no they could probably find one on the dont let her push u...u'll b outta there soon enough Ana...LOL....simon :p
orale orale simon simon...I gots u...well me...idk...te tendria q tener asta tu last breath conmigo...u know....pero simo i know what u mean,,,,yea fo real huh...:D....awww llores...:(...
:D....simon I know what u mean...shit would hit me hard no doubt...
yo....shit no up all ma niggas....record as much shit as I can...have a fucking family reunion(the REAL niggas...not counting on blood)....BBQ matter fact...jam as much shit as I can...records as much as I can...and spend my last moments with my real niggas...y...
^^ osea q es eso...LOL...naw idk...but me my fly Shyma doing 2 Cali...and start production 4 us....also get us our apartment...put some in funds 4 mi carnal...then donate the rest 2 either the 2 "4 the art" foundation or overseas help foundation something 2 that...