i put "mexican, chicano or mexican amer. Race: non-white.
i found the racial thing kind of strange, especially the african american one. i Lol'd so hard @ the black or negro one.
everthing you own is made in china.
hell, the U.S. is owned by China....literally. We've borrowed so much money from China that they own us and on top of that China has bought so much of our cheap property and companies that in the future China will still own us. I suggest that you learn...
LMAO! the store will run out of business and people will just go to costco instead.
for those that think that china figuratively doesn't own wal-mart, it certainly does.
no i didn't, and i didn't say that. you obviously lack reading comprehension or maybe i didn't word it correctly.
the truth is very few immigrants get benefits, especially IF u are illegal. (meaning none for them)because we all know that benefits such as, food stamps, medicaid and medicare(for...
President Obama thinks about things before he decides on a course of action, even if I don't always agree with his actions, at least I know he's thought it through, and talked to other "thinkers" before he makes a decision. He doesn't go off half cocked like some people.
he'sa thinker.
what do you suppose medvedev meant by that?
Funny, though the knuckle dragging mouth breathers thinks this is something to be ridiculed, demeaned and made fun of. It amazes me that they get their jollies making fun of Obama being educated. They think that's a flaw.
Instead they praise, reading...
You're a hoax. you have to twist yourself into a pretzel to read the article that way you do.. but hate filled bigots are good at that sort of thing, I guess, it's how they feel superior.
the truth is very few immigrants get benefits, especially u are illegal. because we all know that...
that article doesn't say that you freakin liar.
the title "illegal immigrants spurn benefits" then the article says something totally fuckin different.
what proof?
read the whole article..
At a time when the economic downturn is hitting immigrant communities especially hard, food stamps are the first line of defense against hunger for low-income families. But advocates and government officials have long known that legal immigrants are missing...
In fiscal year 1995, about $1.1 billion in welfare and food stamp benefits were provided to illegal aliens with citizen children.
that's the difference. the children are citizens, they have to get benefits, just like every children born in the USA!!!
and most illegals don't even reap these...
"such people" as yourself? when are you going to admit that you are a racist? you believe everything the media tells you, your probly scare of debating anything outside of your little box and have to resort to such remarks.
if you truly are passionate about illegal immigration, take to the...
the freedom on that site is extremely limited and heavily moderated....something the republicans on this site need to realize if were as closeminded as that website, none of ya'll woulda been here to begin with.
i don't have a problem at all debating illegal immigration but most of you...