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  1. D

    O'Reilly Pays Legal Bill for Fallen Marine's Father

    my nationality is the united states of america, douchbag
  2. D

    O'Reilly Pays Legal Bill for Fallen Marine's Father

    civilians are cockroaches now? check mate.
  3. D

    So mexicans are taking jobs from americans

    waking up is hard to do when you old and grouchy.
  4. D

    O'Reilly Pays Legal Bill for Fallen Marine's Father

    muslim or christian....does it make a fuckin difference you freaking twerp
  5. D

    O'Reilly Pays Legal Bill for Fallen Marine's Father

    Lol @ the leeche talking about leeches. Wow.. you are too a mental slave in today's society.
  6. D

    So mexicans are taking jobs from americans

    i'm having a good day, sorry i just won't go down to your level...not today.
  7. D

    So mexicans are taking jobs from americans

    ^^Get off my dick already you old retarded fuck.
  8. D

    O'Reilly Pays Legal Bill for Fallen Marine's Father

    I met an Iraqi war vet last week at wwII memorial. He couldn't have been over 22 or 23, and lost his arm. i saluted him like a soldier oughta. It sure is different to see things on the news, and then to meet the people who were there.
  9. D

    So mexicans are taking jobs from americans

    O Yes? Do they come on horses with rifles, and say, Ese gringo, gimmee your job? And do you, gringo, take off your ring, drop your wallet into a blanket spread over the ground, and walk away? I hear Mexicans are taking your jobs away. Do they sneak into town at night, and as you’re...
  10. D

    O'Reilly Pays Legal Bill for Fallen Marine's Father

    the united states of america never had a real democracy, ever. the last time we had a real economy was in, say 1940...now it has a plutonomy led by a plutocracy.
  11. D

    I just ran across this website...

    oh gawd no...that is over the limit....this is a message board, not facebook. :p
  12. D

    A History of Anti-Government Rage and Violence

    i don't like the goverment but it's the leeches that rotten it on the inside. americans are slowley being reduced to slaves by the government. working every day to feed their power... that's why i don't understand tea baggers that are supposedly fighting against the government? they contradict...
  13. D

    what does "todo chido" mean

    that's a good one. i agree
  14. D

    I just ran across this website...

    saweet. i bet you were tired of these chavalas asking you to changed their usernames like 1000 times? LOL
  15. D

    I just ran across this website...

    yeah, we should twitter..hopefully we'll get George Lopez in our network of friends L O L
  16. D

    no matter what one's stance on the issue is this right?

    in your warped racist bigotted mind there isN'T enough time to talk about ALL the facts. and you know what? it is a true honest fact that latinas are dropping out because of making stupid decisions, and it is a fact that latinos in general are dropping out because their parents can’t work 60...
  17. D

    no matter what one's stance on the issue is this right?

    Ure perspective are shallowed and ill-informed. it's fucking disgusting..just as i expected. LOL @ drop out. No i don't make up 20 fuckin percent of the statistics.
  18. D

    no matter what one's stance on the issue is this right?

    There is nothing racist about that article you freaking idiot. you honestly need to pay more attention to "latinos in america" on CNN.
  19. D

    no matter what one's stance on the issue is this right?

    can you read an article without having a racist perspective of it? i THINK not. you speak no facts..get the fuck out of here. you post some racist radical statistics about latinos. as if it was all Unbiased.

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