loser!!!!!!!!..jk...i should've been here to make that bet...shit man!!!....damn ma doodey doo!!!!...lol....anyway, nighty night:) take care..god bless ya!!![wavey]
hahah i love this joke...anyway, so did you know that mickey and minney got a divorce??.....well yeah, this is what went down....one day minney comes home and says to mickey "i want a divorce mickey...today!!!!:mad:" then he says "what!...are you fuking stupid, are you fuking crazy!!!???"...then...
I Dont Think I Was A Very Good Mod Anyway...lol...i Dont' Even Knwo If I Still Am...i'm Tryin To Figure It Out...lol...but Anyway, I Remember Banning A Couple People Though......he-he
Ummmm Just Click On General Discussion And At The Bottom It Says Mods And Who The Mods Are...this One Is Chicanos......and So Is The Advice And Poems And Literature And Bryan Has Latino Chat And General Politics And Sutin Else...i Jsut Can't Rememebr