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  1. Z

    ouch! dats gotta hurt!

    Ohh ive seen this before, man if that would've been my kid, i would've gotten that f**ker and beat hes a** senseless! :mad:
  2. Z

    The beer drinking toddler steals the smoking babys spotlight

    This week in bad parenting: The beer-drinking toddler steals the smoking baby's spotlight Published: Thursday, June 10, 2010, 5:06 AM Updated: Thursday, June 10, 2010, 7:38 AM Just when you thought America had ceded its parenting failure crown to Indonesia -- home of the infamous smoking two...
  3. Z

    Lynne Stevens known for pointing her pistol at Day Laborers in Arizona

    That dumba** needs a taste of her own medicine, so do those ignorant racist pigs for not arresting her :mad: If it was a hispanic woman doing it to white ppl, damn cops wouldnt hesitate to lock her up.
  4. Z

    i'm under arrest for what???

  5. Z

    Cop who took pizza as payoff admits faking shooting

    Unbelievable! Yet so pathetic.
  6. Z

    Even Arizona Republicans Agree: Joe Arpaio is America?s Most Incompetent Sheriff

    That dumb sheriff should be fired and replace with one that actually knows how to do the job.
  7. Z

    Phoenix Police pepper spray marchers, children suffer at Anti-Joe Arpaio protest

    First a U.S border agent kills a kid, then these dumba** cops pepper spray innocent children. WTF! Isnt law enforcement suppose to protect the innocent rather than harm them? Unbelievable! :mad:
  8. Z

    U.S. agent kills Mexican teen near border, Mexican official says

    WTF! This S.O.B killed a little kid over some f**kin rocks!?!? F**kin pathetic! :mad: That agent should be shot in the head and killed like he did that innocent little boy. If not that, he should be put in the electric chair. Bake his coward a**, thats all ppl that kill kids are, damn cowards.
  9. Z

    Cowardly NeoCon Harassing Our Brown Raza Gets a Taste of His Own Medicine

    ^^^ Lmao! Now thats what im talkin about! :D
  10. Z

    Too Hot to work in a Bank! WTF!!??

  11. Z

    i luve it

  12. Z

    'Gun control' tide is turning in Chicago black community

    Next thing they will say is that only white americans should be able to own guns. I guess ppl dont care about the constitution these days. They want everything to be about race and who should get to do things based on their nationality.
  13. Z

    Tim Wise-The Pathology of White Privilege

    U havent even seen the video huh? Or the rest of his videos for that matter i bet. So until u do, kp ure ignorance to ureself.
  14. Z

    Tim Wise-The Pathology of White Privilege

    This guy certainly speaks the truth. Wish more ppl would see the truth and stop being in denial, like he specificately puts it. If only ppl wouldnt be so blinded by power, they think they deserve, and ingnorance, this country wouldnt be in such a mess and filled with discrimination towards...
  15. Z

    who da baddest bitch...

    I would have to say Mz. Krazie
  16. Z

    Married men

    I think men need to start replyin to this thread.

Mexican Forums

