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Search results

  1. lisa

    Immigration Mexico has become a top destination for migrant entrepreneurs from China looking for the Mexican Dream

    Mexico is a great country, and I’m so grateful to hold Mexican citizenship. One tip I would suggest to Chinese immigrants is to try making Mexican friends instead of just remaining closed off in their own community. I see many immigrants doing this, which could affect how some people perceive...
  2. lisa

    Mexican American Politics Mexican Americans Should Take On A More Active Role in Mexico’s Politics

    This was my first time voting in Mexico's elections, and I was super excited about it. My dad helped me get my Mexican citizenship the last time we went to Mexico on vacation. It's super easy if you have a parent with you and all the required documents during the appointment. And I agree that...
  3. lisa

    Question que etnicidad Es Peso Pluma? no es mexicano?

    I read somewhere that he's white and middle eastern? is that true?
  4. lisa

    Question Do you have any personal Enemies?

    tell the story
  5. lisa

    Ya Valio Madres hi, im new here

    welcome, I added you
  6. lisa

    Politica de Mexico Inauguración de la XVI Reunión Interparlamentaria España-México

    *cringe just watching*. 😆 It's embarrassing how some Mexicans will just sellout their own country in order to pander to colonizers
  7. Hice comida mexicana para mis padres coreanos! Se puso muy feliz con el tequila 😂

    Hice comida mexicana para mis padres coreanos! Se puso muy feliz con el tequila 😂

    Mi papá terminó bien borrachitoo jajajaInsta
  8. lisa

    Is Namor from the new Wakanda movie indigenous?

    Sorry i didn't explain the question correctly, How about both?
  9. lisa

    Is Namor from the new Wakanda movie indigenous?

    Is Namor from the new Wakanda movie indigenous?
  10. Comiendo tacos en Japón / Vlog #3 | Kenyi Nakamura

    Comiendo tacos en Japón / Vlog #3 | Kenyi Nakamura

    Banda, me lancé a come unos tacos de Tacos3hermanos y estaban deliciosossss.Instagram de Tacos 3 hermanos
  11. ¿Cómo es el transporte público en Japón? (Bicicleta también) | Kenyi Nakamura

    ¿Cómo es el transporte público en Japón? (Bicicleta también) | Kenyi Nakamura

    Kenyi Nakamura
  12. Veracruz ¿Qué hacer? / Costo X Destino

    Veracruz ¿Qué hacer? / Costo X Destino

    “Los primeros pasos de Cortés” es una de las regiones turísticas más bonitas de Veracruz pues abarca varios municipios llenos de historia, naturaleza y rica
  13. lisa

    The largest minority I remember a time when I was embarrassed to speak the language - Ni de aqui ni de alla

    By SAMANTHA LOPEZ It’s the start of the school year—the start of Fall—and the middle of Hispanic Heritage Month. Walking around campus, I see students of varying ethnicities and backgrounds. I overhear chatter and notice different languages and accents fill the air. I hear a group of students...
  14. lisa

    The largest minority Colorado is home to an estimated 891,760 residents of Mexican descent.

    https://mexican.chat/threads/u-s-house-candidates-in-the-8th-congressional-district-battle-for-mexican-votes.824/post-1732 With 39% MEXICAN POPULATION IN DISTRECT 8, IT'S ALREADY HAPPENING.
  15. lisa

    Mexico's Economy The U.S is expected to threaten Mexico into continuing the purchase of American genetically modified Corn

    Mexico's government cannot make purchases of yellow corn from the United States because it does not want genetically modified (GM) corn, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Wednesday. The United States wanted to sell Mexico more yellow corn and Mexico declined, Lopez Obrador said in a...
  16. lisa

    Mexico's Economy The U.S is expected to threaten Mexico into continuing the purchase of American genetically modified Corn

    A chancellor of the University of the Philippines at Los Banos, once said: https://www.forevermissed.com/oscar-zamora/about RIP :(
  17. lisa

    What are the best Mexican Dating websites?

    are you talking about dating in Mexico or in the U.S?
  18. lisa

    Indigenous Plagiarizing Indigenous Mexican designs is damaging to the Indigenous population

    Maybe It's Time To Stop Plagiarizing Mexican Fashion Ralph Lauren is the latest in a seemingly endless series of brands to reportedly appropriate Indigenous Mexican designs. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/plagiarizing-mexican-fashion-ralph-lauren_n_6352feafe4b0b7f89f61adda
  19. lisa

    Texas art show explores Mexican-American identity at the border

    The co-founder said “Fronteriza” is also a way to talk about the physical space of the border and its occupants through diverse perspectives of the eight Mexican-American visual artists who are featured in the exhibition. https://www.nuestraartistcollective.org/projects

Mexican Forums

