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Bourgeoisie “CPAC” The Old White men's club still has Big Ambitions for Latin America


Staff member
Nov 4, 2021
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A group of primarily white conservatives from across the region is coordinating with each other—and U.S. groups—to fight the culture war and oppose the left. Groups like this help push America's colonial aspirations under the guise of democracy, but they are, in fact, more reminiscing of the Monroe Doctrine.

Former Donald Trump campaign adviser Steve Bannon, recently convicted on charges of contempt of the U.S. Congress, is scheduled to make an appearance, according to the latest program on the CPAC Mexico website at press time. Representatives of conservative politics in Peru, Guatemala, Mexico and more will also attend the latest gathering of what might be called Latin America’s “CPAC right.”

Organizations like CPAC push agendas that align with America's interests abroad.

GRUOPS LINKED WITH CPAC In Mexico: Movimiento Viva México

For example, the protest over the weekend was against reforming the Electoral election body in Mexico.

Why? The Electoral reforms are meant to transform Mexico's Electoral election body into a more democratic institution, one representing the average Mexican, not a group made up of past corrupt presidents. This is what the conservatives fear the most.


Sep 30, 2006
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I'm always surprised why these groups are not illegal in Mexico; they are basically an arm of America's foreign policy apparatus. These types of NGOs are interfering in Mexico with bogus names like "Movimiento Viva México" that have fooled people of their true motives. Another popular NGO group operating in Mexico & spreading anti-AMLO propaganda is Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad.
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