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A History of Anti-Government Rage and Violence

that's great that you watch my show thanks for the support glad you enjoyed my coverage of anti government hate speech. keep tuning in as we continue to discuss that topic this week.
so yeah what is your educational back ground? do you have a job? where do work? how come you don't have a picture? are you a mexican american? where do you live? its always nice to meet my fans.

Is that topical? ^^^ I'm just saying. But hey that's just my opinion.

Awe how cute stevie is jealous! lol, relax I just want to get to know one of my fans better. Grape step up and answer the questions kiddo.
This thread is not about Grape Ape it's about the topic. You're not angry that members of BP wish to stick to topics are you? When you go around posting unrelated posts over and over it's spamming and/ or trolling depending on what you are posting specifically. I'm only pointing out that this is about anit-gov. rage and violence. You keep trying to make it about a specific member. in fact you seem to have glommed on to one specifically.

Try addressing the issue. Just a suggestion. But hey, that's just my opinion.
lol. i'm the president you can follow me on twitter @BarackObama. visit my web address @ http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/ofasplashcosign/

i have recently come across a great deal. the brooklyn bridge is being sold to make up for revenue shortfalls. contact me @ http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/.

now that that's settled getting back to the subject regarding anger and violence in right wing extremist groups:

"Extremist group that sent letter to Culver is recruiting in Iowa

By WILLIAM PETROSKI ? bpetroski@dmreg.com ? April 3, 2010
The Texas-based Guardians of the free Republics has been quietly recruiting members in Iowa, a member said Friday.

The FBI this week said the extremist group was responsible for sending letters demanding removal of Gov. Chet Culver and more than 30 governors nationwide.

The Guardians group has established an "assembly in Iowa" to promote its plan to restore America, said Hal Epperson, who describes himself as a coordinator of the organization's unit in Phoenix.

"I can tell you that the Guardians have members in every state," Epperson said in an interview. "This is a nonviolent group that has a lawful remedy for the corporate government. ... There is no relationship to the militias or anything of a violent nature or a terrorist nature."

Craig Halverson of Griswold, Ia., national director of a group known as the Minuteman Patriots, said members of the Guardians have been in western Iowa within the past month to recruit people to join.

Halverson said his group is not affiliated with the Guardians, but he is aware of its organizational campaign. Some Iowans have signed a petition circulated by the Guardians, he said.

"It was some people from Nebraska who came across over to Iowa," Halverson said. "They had some meetings in Iowa" and telephone conference calls.

"They are just like the tea party people who are unhappy with the way that government is going, but they took a different route," Halverson added.

More than 30 governors have received letters from the Guardians of the free Republics saying if they don't leave office within three days, they will be removed, according to an internal intelligence note from the FBI and Department of Homeland Security.

Governors who received letters included Republicans and Democrats.

FBI officials said Friday they did not see threats of violence in the group's message. But they have warned law enforcement agencies that the Guardians' call to action could provoke violence by other fringe groups.

The Guardians of the free Republics is described as a sovereign citizens group. The Anti-Defamation League calls such groups a loosely organized collection of people who believe that most governments in the United States are illegitimate.

The Guardians of the free Republics' Web site calls for terminating "illicit corporations posing as legitimate governments" and restoring and reinhabiting the institutions of lawful government.

The group also proposes ending the "foreclosure nightmare," tax prosecutions and the use of "covert contracts," such as car registrations, birth certificate applications and bank signature cards.

FBI spokeswoman Sandy Breault and Robert Brammer, a spokesman for Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, said Friday they were unaware of any activity in Iowa by the Guardians.

The Iowa Statehouse, which already has metal detectors and security staff at every entrance, has not changed security in response to the group's letter, said Julie Rarick of the Iowa Department of Public Safety. "Our executive protection unit maintains a high level of security at all times," Rarick said.

The FBI's warning comes at a time of heightened attention to extremist groups after last weekend's arrests of nine Christian militia members accused of plotting to kill police officers. The arrests of the so-called Hutaree militia in Michigan may be a sign of a surge of anti-government activity and violence across the United States, the New York-based Anti-Defamation League said Friday.

"Monitoring of Internet chatter related to health care reform and other recent issues indicates that many militia members and anti-government extremists believe this legislation will be followed by the mass legalization of illegal immigrants, postponement or elimination of democratic elections, martial law and gun confiscation," the Anti-Defamation League statement said. "Like the Hutaree, they believe that a 'New World Order' of tyrannical rule is coming."

Brian Lai, a University of Iowa political scientist who has studied terrorism, offered similar thoughts Friday. He said extremist groups fear that government is strengthening its control and that they need to take a stand. But it's also important to recognize such groups have long existed in the United States, he said.

Drake University political scientist Dennis Goldford said groups such as the Guardians "have an entirely unconventional sense of what the Constitution means."

In contrast, tea partiers, for the most part, are still part of mainstream American politics, although they may be at one end of the mainstream, he said. Tea party groups have adopted many different sets of guiding principles, but generally they coalesce around the philosophy of limiting the power of government.

Some extremist groups are often described as far right, but some of their anti-business views are strictly far left, said Tim Hagle, a University of Iowa political scientist. "So they are really kind of anarchists more than anything else," he said.

?This article includes reporting by the Associated Press."

"Good post. Hate groups have apparently been blossoming like crazy and the same militia style organizations from the 1990's when Clinton was elected are popping up again. Funny, they didn't even wait for anything to be done this time. While Obama was still a Senator running for the highest office they were trying to knock him off. Thank goodness he was elected or the economy would not be stabilizing this fast.

McCain said we didn't even have a recession!! He said the economy was strong. Can you imagine what would have happened had the economy just fallen flat on it's face? Remember when that one Republican Senator held up unemployment benefits for five days? Thousand of people were affected. That's from five days! "

yup. great idea. they complain about taxes being put into health care but don't want anyone touching their medicare, they don't want their tax dollars spent bailing others out but give them their unemployment checks now they want to let the economy just collapse. what would have happened to the american way of life had that happened?
that's great that you watch my show thanks for the support glad you enjoyed my coverage of anti government hate speech. keep tuning in as we continue to discuss that topic this week.
so yeah what is your educational back ground? do you have a job? where do work? how come you don't have a picture? are you a mexican american? where do you live? its always nice to meet my fans.

This thread is not about Grape Ape it's about the topic. You're not angry that members of BP wish to stick to topics are you? When you go around posting unrelated posts over and over it's spamming and/ or trolling depending on what you are posting specifically. I'm only pointing out that this is about anit-gov. rage and violence. You keep trying to make it about a specific member. in fact you seem to have glommed on to one specifically.

Try addressing the issue. Just a suggestion. But hey, that's just my opinion.

Ughhhhh these fox news guys is there anything more annoying?

I've tried to start threads dedicated to the subject but someone keeps erasing them so I have no choice but to post here.
right no. that's not the subject of the thread and surprisingly not the bent of my question. what i was asking was for you to educate us by drawing on your phd in philosophy from oxford on the subject. the subject of the thread is "A History of Anti-Government Rage and Violence" so as you have discussed this topic numerous times you must have something to say on the subject. sooooooo what are you waiting for? the topic



Answer if you really are Rachael Maddow or either way stick to the subject. But hey that's just my opinion.

yup. great idea. they complain about taxes being put into health care but don't want anyone touching their medicare, they don't want their tax dollars spent bailing others out but give them their unemployment checks now they want to let the economy just collapse. what would have happened to the american way of life had that happened?

Yes it really is hypocritical. I'm not sure what's happening to the right. Thought the Tea Party was bringing them back, but they complain about paying tyaxes on one hand and then don't want government services taken on the other. Don't know what's up. But hey that's just my opinion.
"Whiskey Rebellion

In an attempt to control the debt incurred from the Revolutionary War, Congress approved a tax on all distilled spirits in 1791 -- a move that was met with steep resistance from small farmers throughout the Western frontier. Many simply refused to pay, but others turned violent, threatening and roughing up tax collectors attempting to do their jobs. The worst offenses occurred in western Pennsylvania, where an angry mob shot a tax collector and set fire to his house. In the end, President George Washington sent a militia of 12,950 men to put down the insurrection in 1794."


they've been at it for a long time. i guess they really only claim "american" when the government agrees with them. then when the entire country votes in people who won't always agree with them they get winy and claim they are the only patriots around. right, and china's taking over, but don't put a tariff on chinese goods so they have to poy more at wal-mart.
Doofy, grape ostrich and mad cow... none of you has the equipment to make that 3some work.
"Whiskey Rebellion

In an attempt to control the debt incurred from the Revolutionary War, Congress approved a tax on all distilled spirits in 1791 -- a move that was met with steep resistance from small farmers throughout the Western frontier. Many simply refused to pay, but others turned violent, threatening and roughing up tax collectors attempting to do their jobs. The worst offenses occurred in western Pennsylvania, where an angry mob shot a tax collector and set fire to his house. In the end, President George Washington sent a militia of 12,950 men to put down the insurrection in 1794."


they've been at it for a long time. i guess they really only claim "american" when the government agrees with them. then when the entire country votes in people who won't always agree with them they get winy and claim they are the only patriots around. right, and china's taking over, but don't put a tariff on chinese goods so they have to poy more at wal-mart.

It's like people who claim to be American patriots and fly the confederate flag. I believe in their right to do so. But that is not like flying the flag of say Italy and being a proud Italian. That flag represents a group of Americans who did not want to be Americans anymore and wanted to break away to start their own nation or take over and overwrite the values of the founding fathers with their own ideas.

What do we call citizens of this country who take up arms to overthrow the government and blow buildings that belong to the American people up? I think your avatar says it all.
why do you say that, you live on the east coast? what state do you live in?

right no. what i was asking was for you to educate us by drawing on your phd in philosophy from oxford on the subject. the subject of the thread is "A History of Anti-Government Rage and Violence" so as you have discussed this topic numerous times you must have something to say on the subject. sooooooo what are you waiting for? the topic



No Rachel I want you to list in detail at least 2,000 words with links to articles to show that sarah palin is a liar! Prove you are the real Rachel Maddow!!!


And add a pie chart with at least 5 different colors.

yeah she is totally fake

that's two people...

still waiting...

no response until you do. three questions is not befitting a ged let alone oxford. get your butt inot gear and show some strength and courage and post. now.

thank rach... oh and you too troof...

New York Draft Riots

At the height of the Civil War, Congress authorized the first conscription act in American history, allowing men between the ages of 18 to 35 to be drafted into the army for a three-year stint. The law allowed rich men to avoid military service by paying a fee of $300, sparking outrage among working-class New Yorkers. On the second day of the draft, a crowd torched the building where the draft was to take place. The police force was no match for the rioters, who set fire to a number of other buildings. Eventually, the violence devolved into brutal attacks on African-Americans. Order was only restored when federal troops, fresh from their victory at Gettysburg, arrived in the city a few days later.

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