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A Hoodlumz Prayer

Lil Poet

Feb 21, 2007
Best answers
Dear Heavenly Father,

Hi this iz David, we met through your son,
I know itz been a while but see i've been real dumb,
I'm sorry for sinning, thatz why i want to talk.
If sinning iz my nature than how do stop?
I believe that Jesus came and made the way,
but i still feel trapped can you help my faith?
I believe you are God and can do all things
Savior of Gangstaz, hustalaz, and feinz,
Healer and helper king of all kingz
you bless me with life and make real my dreams.
Heavenly Father, your our only hope
stop the thirst of money and addiction to the dope,
save the hood from crack, bring the famlies back
your the only way out of the trap...............
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