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A Question For The Guys

idk...i dont lol but ive known guys who joke around saying that they jack off in the toilet...so idk....dont put me under this much pressure pweety lady!:(
Well, jacking off in the toilet and jacking off on the toilet are two different things. Why not just wait for the shower?

What pressure? sounds like you got a 'guilty conscious' :cool:
i dont understand jack of standing up or siting down i do that any way but not on the shiter and if its taking a shit you sit and take it and pee and if its to small push that shit down its like a small water hose and if you got a boner while takeing a shit than something is wrong with you.LOL
My friend had asked a fried of ours this but he was too shy to answer so now im opening this question to the "men" lol of bp

when your sitting on da toilet taking a dump...and you suddenlly feel like you need to pee...do you just swing your hose in there? or do you cut watcha doin get up and take a leak?
ahahahaha i just piss on the floor :D
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