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Politica de Mexico AMLO's Woke Push for Gender-Neutral Language School Books Sets a bad precedent


Active member
Nov 28, 2022
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Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, or commonly known as AMLO, has recently announced that his administration will promote western woke culture that includes the use of gender-neutral language in school books. He believes that this move is necessary to eliminate discrimination in society. However, this push for gender-neutral language is raising questions and concerns among many Mexicans, especially since the country has a strong Catholic heritage. Could this move towards a more "woke" style culture be setting a bad example for Mexico's future? Let's explore this topic in more detail.

First and foremost, it's essential to understand gender-neutral language and why it's being promoted. Gender-neutral language was aimed at removing gender types and makes that make it more vague. For example, instead of using "he" or "she," one can use "they" as a gender-neutral pronoun. While this might seem like a move towards equality and inclusivity, it's worth questioning whether it truly achieves its intended purpose. Moreover, the use of gender-neutral language often results in awkward or grammatically incorrect sentences, which could impact students' academic performance negatively.

Additionally, Mexico's cultural and religious background should be considered while introducing gender-neutral language in schools. Mexico is a predominantly Catholic country that values traditional family values and traditional gender roles. AMLO's push towards the American style "woke" gender-neutral language could be seen as a departure from the country's traditions or a challenge to religious beliefs. Gender-neutral language could also lead to the erosion of gender distinctions and leave children confused, which goes against Mexico's cultural and religious beliefs.

Moreover, introducing gender-neutral language in school books may not be the most pressing issue for Mexico. Mexico's education system faces several challenges, including inadequate funding, low literacy rates, outdated curriculums, and teacher shortages. AMLO's push for gender-neutral language could be seen as a misplaced priority.

Lastly, the push for gender-neutral language could have unintended consequences. Instead of eliminating gender stereotypes and discrimination, gender-neutral language could lead to confusion, especially among young children. It can also be argued that gender-neutral language reinforces the idea that gender identity is subjective, which could lead to more confusion and ultimately harm students' academic and social development.

While the push for gender-neutral language in school books may seem well-intentioned, it is not without its problems. By imposing failed Western values on a predominantly Catholic country, AMLO risks alienating a significant portion of the population and creating a backlash against his government. Moreover, this policy could have negative economic implications for Mexico and distract attention from more pressing issues. Therefore, it is important to approach the issue of gender neutrality with caution and sensitivity, taking into account the cultural and linguistic realities of Mexico.


Staff member
Nov 4, 2021
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I believe AMLO couldn't get better poll numbers because of his pro-abort stance and his move to push American-style woke values on Mexicans.

Many Mexicans overlooked those anti-family transgressions for a better economy and a push to weed out corruption and crime.

He moved the government to invest heavily in the Oil Projects, Infrastructure, And Tourism Projects. But if crime doesn't go down, the next Morena candidate might be the last, and thus Mexicans should Be on the lookout for U.S. steering up problems in MEXICO for that exact reason, as they want a pro-American President in Mexico who is willing to sell out his people.
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Active member
Nov 28, 2022
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This morning, the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, reported that after a meeting with the Governor of the State of Mexico, Alfredo del Mazo, it was agreed that the new textbooks will be delivered to the primary and secondary schools.
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