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Arizona governor signs controversial immigration law

What's the matter troof, don't want to actually address a topic with a thought out response?

I see the rioting has already began

^ it's ironic to see this NeoConfederate using race as an argument against illegal immigration when it is plain to see he is merely trying to divide black and brown people when one who studies history knows that the Confederate flag in his avatar represents the enslavement, genocide, persecution and murder of Black people by Whites

GeneriCons are losing power and control because they are outnumbered by progressives and immigrants who tend to lean toward supporting unions and the Democratic Party which is a significant threat to the NeoCons in the GOP
The point is in the stories I posted (if you have the courage to watch them) the murderers should of not been in this country- if they weren't in this country they would not have been able to commit murder.
The point is in the stories I posted (if you have the courage to watch them) the murderers should of not been in this country- if they weren't in this country they would not have been able to commit murder.
Well great, thanks Captain obvious for posting something everybody is already aware of. That has nothing to do with the rights and freedoms of AMERICAN CITIZENS.

Who do you think it is protesting this new law...

  • A. Illegal Alien Criminals
  • or
  • B. American Citizens

What part of that do you not get?
The point is in the stories I posted (if you have the courage to watch them) the murderers should of not been in this country- if they weren't in this country they would not have been able to commit murder.
lets say that i may agree with you......who is to say that person wouldn't have died anyway.....when it's your time to go it's time.........granted not by murder but by an accident or overdose or something unforeseen.....what you say is a WHAT IF and i don't believe in those:cool:
There are no what if's, Illegal alien and violent criminal Edwin Ramos should of not been in this country and he should of been deported for the previous crimes he committed (including one against a pregnant woman!)- he was a know violent criminal/ gang member. If he was locked up and then deported the Bologna family (dad and 2 sons) would not have been slaughtered that day- FACT.

San Fransisco Liberals Have Blood On Their Hands
By Michael Eden
San Fransisco is finally becoming known as the contemptible place that it is.

Among it’s stupid, irrational, immoral, and frankly un-American policies, it is an official sanctuary city for illegal immigrants.

Mayor Gavin Newsom and his ilk are just so darned pleased with how wonderful they are.

But Mayor Newsom and the city of San Francisco have blood on their hands.

The man charged with killing a father and two sons on a San Francisco street last month was one of the youths who benefited from the city’s long-standing practice of shielding illegal immigrant juveniles who committed felonies from possible deportation, The Chronicle has learned.

Edwin Ramos, now 21, is being held on three counts of murder in the June 22 deaths of Tony Bologna, 48, and his sons Michael, 20, and Matthew, 16. They were shot near their home in the Excelsior district when Tony Bologna, driving home from a family picnic, briefly blocked the gunman’s car from completing a left turn down a narrow street, police say.

Ramos, a native of El Salvador whom prosecutors say is a member of a violent street gang, was found guilty of two felonies as a juvenile – a gang-related assault on a Muni passenger and the attempted robbery of a pregnant woman – according to authorities familiar with his background.

In neither instance did officials with the city’s Juvenile Probation Department alert federal immigration authorities, because it was the city agency’s policy not to consider immigration status when deciding how to deal with an offender. Had city officials investigated, they would have found that Ramos lacked legal status to remain in the United States.

As a 17-year-old juvenile, Ramos – a gang member – boarded a bus with two other gang members and beat and kicked a passenger. The event was recorded by the bus’ surveillance cameras, and Ramos was convicted of assault and of participating in a street gang.

At this point Ramos could have and should have been referred to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE). But San Francisco’s Juvenile Probation Department’s policy for dealing with offenders stipulated that “probation officers shall not discriminate in any fashion against minors based on their immigration status.”

He was released to the custody of his mother, but still considered a ward of the court and on probation.

Within days of his release, Ramos – again with two others – approached a pregnant woman from behind and tried to rip her backpack-style purse off her body. When the woman’s brother tried to prevent the attack, Ramos punched him and fled. Ramos was again apprehended. He was convicted for attempted robbery – a felony – but was somehow cleared for the assault.

Again, San Francisco relied upon its inflated sense of pseudo-moral superiority and did not notify ICE.

About one month after being released to the custody of his mother’s sister – and three months before the murders – Ramos was again arrested in San Francisco after police pulled him over because his car had illegally tinted windows and no front license plate. An alleged gang member in the car tried to discard a gun, but police recovered it and later concluded that it had been used in a double killing, authorities said.

The police report of the incident cited “numerous documented contacts” that officers had with Ramos and the man who allegedly discarded the gun, and said both were active members of the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) street gang.

San Francisco prosecutors, however, declined to file charges against Ramos, saying they couldn’t prove that he knew his companion had the gun.

So much for that old legal adage, “ignorance of the law is no excuse.” Apparently it is one in San Francisco.

Danielle Bologna is not a very good person, by liberal standards. She has the politically incorrect audacity to actually be upset that a criminal illegal immigrant who should have been deported was walking around free to murder her husband and her two children.

Apparently she should be ashamed, because even as we speak, San Fransisco is running television ads with public money celebrating itself as a “sanctuary city.”

Mayor Gavin Newsom has bowed to the national outcry enough to rescind the sub-element of the sanctuary city policy that prohibited turning over criminal illegal immigrants to ICE for deportation.

But that’s too little, and way, way, WAY to late.

Newsom has said that he was not promoting crime with his policies.

But he’s not merely promoting crime, he’s exporting it.

San Franscisco – that bastion of liberal, secular humanistic, politically correct, smarmy, arrogant, self-righteous, and anti-American ideology – they are firmly committed to the notion that other people should pay for their immoral stupidity.

It was recently learned that San Francisco was dumping – and illegally dumping, mind you – the criminal illlegal immigrants that it was just too pure and wonderful to have deported.

San Francisco — An effort by San Francisco to shield eight young Honduran crack dealers from federal immigration officials backfired when the youths escaped from Southern California group homes within days of their arrival, officials said Monday.

The walkaways are the latest in a string of embarrassments for city officials who are protecting illegal-immigrant drug dealers from federal authorities and possible deportation because of San Francisco’s 1989 declaration that the city is a sanctuary for undocumented immigrants.

Until recently, San Francisco flew juvenile illegal immigrants convicted of drug crimes to their home countries rather than cooperate with the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, a practice that drew national attention when The Chronicle reported it Sunday.

When federal law enforcement authorities demanded that San Francisco halt the flights and began a criminal investigation, the city decided to house some of the dealers in long-term youth rehabilitation centers. Some of those centers are run by a nonprofitcompany called Silverlake Youth Services in mountain towns southeast of San Bernardino.

Eight Honduran juveniles who had been convicted of dealing drugs in San Francisco were sent within the past few weeks to the company’s group homes, where one month’s placement costs $7,000 per youth – an expense borne by San Francisco taxpayers.

Within 10 days of being sent to the unlocked group homes, however, all eight youths ran away, said Bill Siffermann, head of juvenile probation in San Francisco. He said his agency has issued arrest warrants for them.

San Bernardino County has long been a dumping ground for the rest of California, but San Francisco has taken it to a whole new ridiculous level, exporting undocumented immigrant drug dealers to private group homes in Yucaipa.

But they can’t pass off or export the blood that is on their hands; all the media-relations campaigns they can perform notwithstanding.

San Bernadino is considering a resolution that says “San Francisco’s ‘reckless and irresponsible practice of exporting potentially dangerous illegal alien drug dealers to the county of San Bernardino … poses a significant risk to the health, safety and welfare’ of San Bernardino County residents.”

San Fransisco’s version of “Let them eat cake” is, “Let the poor counties eat our criminal illegal immigrant drug dealers.”

Herein is a nutshell example of liberalism when liberalism is allowed to flourish. Let liberals run things for a while and they will create one hell after another. And when it becomes a problem, they will pass the problem off on someone else. It is what they do; it is what they are.

San Fransisco is the type of city that sticks its thumb into the eye of everything that most Americans believe in and stand for. It is the kind of city that gives special parking permits to make it easy for America-hating protestors to block Military recruiting stations. It is the kind of place that usurps the will of voters and the law by marrying homosexuals on its own terms. It’s the kind of place where transvestites are able to barge into a Catholic Church and mock everything God-fearing people stand for with impunity.

Let us not forget House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a San Fransisco Democrat in good-standing; she is every bit as liberal and as vile in her agenda as Mayor Gavin Newsom.

And let us not forget Barack Obama, who wants us all to learn Spanish, and who is prepared to pander to Hispanics as much as necessary in order to win the White House. He came to San Fransisco to tell his fellow liberal elite what he really thought of Pennsylvanians and their bitter, religious, gun-toting, anti-illegal immigrant values.

You put a House Speaker Pelosi with a President Obama, and you give liberals real power. You give liberals real power, and you will see just how much they will look just like Mayor Gavin Newsom and the San Fransisco value system.
lets say that i may agree with you......who is to say that person wouldn't have died anyway.....when it's your time to go it's time.........granted not by murder but by an accident or overdose or something unforeseen.....what you say is a WHAT IF and i don't believe in those:cool:

Actually you are the one who is saying a "what if", I did not.
^ It's ironic to see how you NeoCons play the race card and say the N-word on this site while bemoaning others that play the race card
what are you talking about? what race card am I playing? Get lost weirdo- seriously, take a break.

I never mentioned anything about race in this thread.
^ Don't pretend you don't use the N-word here while using the tragedy of this black family in order to politically score points for the GOP when Black and Brown people know very well the GOP don't give a damn about working class and poor people who struggle everyday to make it
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