Legendary Poster
cant speak about that, im not american, europeans tend to think all americans are dumb in general.
good thing our dumb cracka a$$es saved them from the Nazi's.
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SignUp Now!cant speak about that, im not american, europeans tend to think all americans are dumb in general.
That wasn't the ridiculous part. It was that you would say it isn't their fault that they're 6 feet tall, 170 or more pounds and four or five of them beating up on one much smaller person.
good thing our dumb cracka a$ saved them from the Nazi's.
if the person deserved it then its just funny. how do you no all this drama was unprovoked? lmao if you dont like the life your living you can always change it god gave us free will.
im 5'4 and i dont fuck around when it comes to protecting myself, i took karate, boxing and wrestling lessions, i refused to get attacked by anyone.
Respect. I ain't going to lie though I never would or could accept getting my ass kicked by a gavacho. When it comes to them I'm like 30 and 0. The last cracker I fucked up pissed himself in front of his girlfriend. And the funny thing was, when I was kicking his ass his boys stood there, when 5 minutes earlier they were all John Wayne and gung ho. I even spit on him after I was done and they did shit. That goes to show how weak they are when a one eyed Mexican kicks your homies ass and you let himspit on him. I did that because I wanted to fight the rest. But they wanted none and I was all by myself down in Huntington Beach. Their supposed 5'4 and i dont fuck around when it comes to protecting myself, i took karate, boxing and wrestling lessions, i refused to get attacked by anyone.
wtf are u talking about? saved us? where the fuck do you think the germans were heading if they defeated us? dont talk shit, dont act like america just jumped into the war because your country is nice, they joined in because they knew they were next and that is exactly what children get tought in european schools. america helped cuz they knew they were next.
i tend to look at both sides of any story, especially one in which i was not present. at what point does personal responsibility become a factor in bullying?
Typical Gavocho has to have the guns. From when you said that I already no the type. Thats why crackers get no love.Well my Dad is 50 now but in great shape and is 6'3 and weighs about 160, lean but muscular. He also knows how to shoot about any kind of gun. He's not 12 years old anymore and he says if anyone "messes" with any of his family he'll kill them and I believe that he would. Since that time, no one has tried to fight him though.
Fuck it crackers would do it to, but they ain't got no heart.I agree with one on one fighting, but not being attacked by gangs.
Germany had Britain on the verge of being bombed into submission and France... well you know about France.... come on read your history bro
americans and guns....yall make me sick scared to take a ass kicking. thats what us europeans say. wtf anyone can pull out a gun, i hate gangbanger who talk about guns as if thats suppost to make me show them some form of respect, it just makes me sick. im more of a punching kind of guy, atleast the person is alive at the end of the night. the attitude your opfather has now is good, people dont give respect u gota take it.
I agree with one on one fighting, but not being attacked by gangs.
Sometimes you just need a gun. I have one. I am against gun control.
The only thing a gun is good for is to pistol whip somebody. If you need a gun to fight an unarmed man your a cracker Tru blacks and Latino's we throw down. People who use guns on the streets or anywhere are week, unless its a woman. I can understand. But pull a gun on me, and we ain't in combat, I'm going to get it off of you an dpistol wip you with it.Sometimes you just need a gun. I have one. I am against gun control.
im not talking about france im talking about americans and how they act like they are the fucking savior of the world of something, your country only helped us because they were in fear of the germans coming for them. thats it. no other reason.
I agree whole heartedly.guns have made your country into a hell whole of pussys who are afraid to get a ass kicking, i do think though that woman should be allowed guns because of things like rape, but thats special reason other than that i think it makes people weak minded and pathetic.