EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) – The Mexican government is accusing a caravan leader of using “lies and manipulation” and putting at risk the lives of more than 1,000 migrants marching to the U.S. border.
“The lies and actions of Irineo Mujica, the self-proclaimed leader of the migrant caravan, place in jeopardy the health, physical and psychological well-being of the persons that are still part of this group,” the INM said in a statement Monday. “(Mujica) has generated animosity against government officials who have been turned back and even attacked with sticks and stones when they tried to render aid.”

Caravan leader ‘lying and manipulating’ migrants, putting lives at risk, Mexican government says
The Mexican government is accusing a caravan leader of using “lies and manipulation” and putting at risk the lives of more than 1,000 migrants marching to the U.S. border.