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I would lik to become a lawyer n help my raza when otha ppl wont jus bcuz dey anit got da money. N or also i would lik to become a politican. I would jus lik to do somting to help out my ppl. N do somthin bigger n betta.
Y u say tat? Cuz in my eyes it anit all bout tat money. I belive tat 2 have a good life u shoud not only b makin bank bt also b happy wit wat u have n wher u work n wit da ppl u work wit. I kno helpin out ppl anit always da best thin in da world money wise bt it sure as hell helps u feel good bout wat ur doin to help othas out. Tas y right now ima try n study Criminal Justice to b a PO n try n help out dem lil kids who think its all bout tat " Thug Life".
Interesting thread. I would choose one of the following:

*University level professor of Mathematics
*Developmental Economist
*Politician/Legislator (in the state or federal legislature)
Speaking about careers, I had a job interview today. For a Financial Adviser position at a financial firm. I had contacted them through a college job fair they had here and they called me back first last week. I went last week and came back today. Turns out that they misunderstood my resume thinking that I had just graduated when in fact I still have one year left so that ended the application process.

I'll probably work at a bank over the summer as a teller to make some cash.
If ya'll had da chance to chose ne career wat would it b n y would u want to have a job for da rest of ur life???
Immigration Attorney or Criminal Justice Attorney or a Real-Estate Job...Commercial......both of those sound good for da rest of my life or until they make me retire......lol
Ta$ r3al good. Truly i am ipr3$$3d. It$ r3al hard to find lation$ tat wana do $om3thing wit d3r lif3. It make$ m3 proud wh3n i h3r3 tat latino$ wana do bigg3r n b3tta thing$ wit d3r lif3. Ya'll keep doin wat ur doin n if ur gana b $om3thing b $om3thing gr3at. Dont l3t no1 put u down no matta wat. K33p ur h3ad$ up Mi h3nt3. Much Lov3.
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