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Day Dreaming*****

*Super Mayra*

Legendary Poster
Jul 28, 2006
Best answers
( i forgot were i got it from but i liked it)


She's sitting there in class
getting warped into her world.
She starts looking out the window,
and dreams of being his girl.

She forgets the teacher's speaking,
and the students' voices fade away.
She can already hear him talking
as she starts her dreamy day.

She continues staring into space
sinking in the deep blue sky.
Her eyes begin to close
while she day dreams of this guy.

No interruptions yet so far
she's been dreaming for a while.
She feels his tender touch,
and on her face shows up a smile.

Her head is in the clouds
and her heart is out of place.
She can see him coming closer,
now they stand there face to face.

She hears him say "I love you,
you're the center of my life."
Then he gets down on one knee,
and asks, "Will you be my wife?"

"I've always waited for this moment,
and my answer is 'yes'."
He rises up to kiss her
and takes away her breath.

He slightly tilts her head,
and starts to nibble on her ear.
She gives out the loudest giggle
for everyone in class to hear.

Of course she doesn't notice
she's still dreaming in the clouds.
She says "Don't ever let me go."
then she says his name aloud.

A guy behind her taps her arm,
she feels a sudden rush of shame
He asks her with a sheepish smile,
"May I ask why you called my name?"



Jan 1, 2007
Best answers
I didnt read that bullshit miss.
But you should go out and get laid.Its fucking new years....Im stuck with my children.[offtopic]
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