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F3mal3 Play3r

You call ur s3lf a play3r casu3 it s33ms u play3d a f3w...
You didnt s33m to r3aliz3 it was m3 plaing u...
Its tru3 u w3r3 good in ur gam3 and cam3 out a winn3r... But compar3d to m3 u w3r3 still just a b3ginner Th3r3s still lots of l3arning. and u aint shit y3t!!! If you didnt giv3 a fuck th3n why ar3 u so ups3t???
Although you tri3d to play m3 things didnt 3nd up ur way caus3 ur on ur kn33s b3gging m3 to stay...
HOW do3s it f33l to los3 ?How do3s it f33l to b3 a failur3? How do3s it f33l to b3 Pla3d by an Og F2mal3 Play3r!!![violent]
OMG ive seen so many dam places it aint even funny....:D>....it urks me tough....thats 1 of the reasons we as men tend 2 cheat, lie, ect on fem....cause of shit like that...
mr.unique es becuase you guys tend to cheat lie ect..........that we post things like that up.................:rolleyes: na fo real though es da only reason i posted it up on my myspace and da poem has a bit of truth with me and dat guy so yeah but i never cheated on him i just played wit him mente.............:rolleyes: to bad i fell for em though........LMFAO............yeap never fall for da person your tryin to teach a lesson too.......learned dat da hard way 1 yr ago.......lol.........:rolleyes: :D :p
naw we do it cause YALL do it...:D...naw i think its more of a cycle thing if u can understand what im trying 2 get at.....yea karma has its ways of coming at u...
its not really about male or female...i think most of you got it twisted..no one really wants to get played so think about what you do before you do it to somebody...don't be a fool...and stop playin yourself..that's my word.
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