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Hood Wisdom

Lil Poet

Feb 21, 2007
Best answers
Dont cry lil gangsta, i can feel ya pain
there'll be better days ahead it ain't alwayz gonna rain.
Sometimes itz hard to take, believe me i relate
sometimes i even wounder will i make it past the gates.
I know theres times when your stress is pressed beyound the limit,
and you look around the world and you wounder why you in it,
and how its hard to face the mirror from the filthiness you feel,
when guiltiness and lonliness are to hard to keep concealed.
I've also watch tears fall from my mothers disappointed eyes,
locked inside a cell where itz to late to apologize.
I know these racist faces gaze at you with odio,
as long as they dont cross the line than let them hate, nimodo.
I know the knifes in ya back make it hard for you to trust,
how the pieces of your heart are to tiny to be crushed.
All the fake females and phony friends,
left a scarred up soul that slowly mends.
Just keep ya head up homie, never let um' see you down,
siempre ten en mente shit alwayz comes back around.
I leave with these last words of hood wisdom,
there aint a homeboy or girl worth your life or time in prison.

lupe Flores

Legendary Poster
Mar 14, 2007
Best answers
Dont cry lil gangsta, i can feel ya pain
there'll be better days ahead it ain't alwayz gonna rain.
Sometimes itz hard to take, believe me i relate
sometimes i even wounder will i make it past the gates.
I know theres times when your stress is pressed beyound the limit,
and you look around the world and you wounder why you in it,
and how its hard to face the mirror from the filthiness you feel,
when guiltiness and lonliness are to hard to keep concealed.
I've also watch tears fall from my mothers disappointed eyes,
locked inside a cell where itz to late to apologize.
I know these racist faces gaze at you with odio,
as long as they dont cross the line than let them hate, nimodo.
I know the knifes in ya back make it hard for you to trust,
how the pieces of your heart are to tiny to be crushed.
All the fake females and phony friends,
left a scarred up soul that slowly mends.
Just keep ya head up homie, never let um' see you down,
siempre ten en mente shit alwayz comes back around.
I leave with these last words of hood wisdom,
there aint a homeboy or girl worth your life or time in prison.

cute one i like it
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