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SignUp Now!Interesting.So according to Universe Today man has been here a shitload of years before the(Christian myth) Adam & Eve were supposedly created,i.e. 6,000 years ago...and not from the Middle East either.
anyhow,160,000 years is what I came up with for the modern human...for some reason the years keep getting pushed back.
Interesting.So according to Universe Today man has been here a shitload of years before the(Christian myth) Adam & Eve were supposedly created,i.e. 6,000 years ago...and not from the Middle East either.
anyhow,160,000 years is what I came up with for the modern human...for some reason the years keep getting pushed back.
NO, IT IS MORE COMPLICATED!It seems that humans have an identity problem. Evolutionist Richard Leakey observes: "For centuries philosophers have dealt with aspects of humanness, of humanity. But, surprisingly, there is no agreed-upon definition of the quality of humanness."
However, the Copenhagen Zoo boldly gave its opinion by way of an exhibit in its primate house. The 1997 Britannica Book of the Year explains: "A Danish couple moved into temporary living quarters at the zoo with the intention of reminding visitors of their close kinship to the apes."
Reference works give credence to such an alleged close kinship of certain animals with humans. The World Book Encyclopedia, for example, says: "Human beings, along with apes, lemurs, monkeys, and tarsiers, make up the order of mammals called primates."
Yet, the fact is, humans are brimming with unique traits that do not fit the animal mold. Among these are love, conscience, morality, spirituality, justice, mercy, humor, creativity, awareness of time, self-awareness, aesthetic appreciation, concern for the future, the ability to accumulate knowledge over generations, and the hope that death is not the ultimate end of our existence.
In an attempt to reconcile these traits with the animal mold, some point to evolutionary psychology, which is an amalgam of evolution, psychology, and social science. Has evolutionary psychology shed light on the puzzle of human nature?
how wur humans made? what do scientist think
[YOUTUBE]2NyPeDLQNFA[/YOUTUBE]scientists believe we evolved from n from da bible god created eve n adam.... idk which one to believe??? am so confused... relli... agh i hate wen it comes to science n den god's believes....
Humans have spread across the entire planet, colonizing every corner. But humans have really been on the planet for a fraction of the lifetime of the Earth. Archeologists estimate that modern humans have been on the Earth for about 200,000 years.Humans are a member of a species of bipedal primates in the family Hominidae. You, me and everyone on Earth is a homo sapiens. This is Latin for the term, "wise human". As humans, we have a highly developed brain, a bipedal gait, and opposable thumbs.
It's believed that humans originated about 200,000 years ago in the Middle Paleolithic period in southern Africa. By 70,000 years ago, humans migrated out of Africa and began colonizing the entire planet. They spread to Eurasia and Oceania 40,000 years ago, and reached the Americas by 14,500 years ago.
One of the oldest sites of human settlement is located at Middle Awash in Ethiopia, where humans lived 160,000 years ago.
well pretty much now that we know about dna and genes, the logical question is, who genetically engineered us? and aliens are a possibility.very intresting were does the suppernatural come in..... like aleins... im mean extra teresterial...
man yu kno wut i dnt believe none of dis shit its got me all confused! am just gonna go n sleep am tired n who da heel knos how long we been here...
2nd grade must have been the longest 3 years of your life. graduating a year earlier. don't judge on a book you don't know![]()