I never believed in Fake News until I saw how the western media attacked AMLO. They called him a dictator and then he set up a referendum and now they are attacking that. I can't trust the American news media anymore.
Yeah I'm with you, I'm tired of the news making things up without actually verifying anything. I think the media is working with big business in order to undermine the Mexican president. They want a subservient neighbor and not an independent thinking one.
AMLO Is one of the Worlds most popular Presidents its hard for them to move against him just now. but the moment they find something on him they'll pounce for the kill. America has history of destabilizing countries in order to make them dependent on America.
My Dad is a big fan of AMLO , ive never seen him have so much respect for a President of Mexico. He even wants to vote now in the elections because of him.