I like illegals.
We need more. [wavey]
the more the better, i like cheap apples.

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SignUp Now!I like illegals.
We need more. [wavey]
AMEN!!i agreeThe people that you call illegals are very nice people around where I live(for the most part anyway).
Crime in my small town is not mainly prformed by illegals and most of them work hard. I can understand why people would want to leave harsh economic conditions for better living conditions. this is what the USA was found on. I do believe,however, that the US is not the GREATEST NATION ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH. We do have one of the highest crime rates in the world and America is by far one of the most the most racist nations on Earth, especially considering the fact that other nations take what they see in the American media and apply to the people it potrays. I am not going to do anything to prevent "illegals" bform entering this country. Thanks to them, and many other hard working Americans, America can still compete economically with developed and growing nations like China and the European Union. If it wasn't for them, America would be descending to a third world nation anyway, at least compared to other first world nations.
I would not worry about crime rates. People complain about crime rates in this country yet we are fighting a war that is killing thousands of people and costing the country billions of dollars.The United States has been fighting wars since it was founded. People need to stop complaining and just accept people for what they are trying to accomplish in life. Nothing is going to happen to Americans if they just use their common sense. Illegal or not, a human is a human trying to survive on this doomed planet. People not understanding that is just going to bring the downfall of the human race down sooner than it is supposed to .
Why dont yew go back where yew came from and shut your fuckin mouth.,..by the way...if yew need your dishes washed why the fuck doesnt your fucking lazy ass wash them..and if your a racist fucker, then why dont you get off of *************** and go somewhere else to spread your poison^ if I need my toilet cleaned or my dishes washed I'll call you, but until then zip your lip pendeja.
look mutha u mess wit 1 mexican u mess wit all of us pendejo puto!!!if u so fucken racist den y da fuck ru on brownpride. Us fucken retard go suck a dick nd get off diz fucken site go create ur own muthafucken site call it godblessracistamerica. Org baboso!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:d^ if i need my toilet cleaned or my dishes washed i'll call you, but until then zip your lip pendeja.
You stupid mother fucker. we aint dirt bags..cough cough not like yew bitch...and we here cuz it was ours 1st so before yew disrespect us lyke that learn how to respect yourself fucker racist whoreYou popped out of the trunk of a late model Chevy a few days ago with 12 other dirt bags and you talk like this to me?
That's it, I will not buy any more "estrawberries" from you!