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Immigration Latin America is not alone with an immigration crises created by the US


Jan 13, 2007
Best answers
American Foreign Policy is also a Factor in Immigration to Europe.

The current wave of migrants flooding into Europe comes mainly from countries which US foreign policy has had a hostile posture towards, including Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan. When US forces destabilized those countries, it sparked violent unrest and chaos, leading to the rise of ISIS, which then forced people from their homes and sent them fleeing to Europe for safety.

US interventions have caused instability and chaos.

Since 1945, the United States has taken on an interventionist stance in world affairs, often intervening militarily or politically in other countries for its own interests. It is well documented that US foreign policy has caused unrest in many countries across the globe.

More recently, Ukraine was subjected to a Russian military operation following Americas Military Bloc NATO, and its expansion plans in Ukraine. This war has resulted in hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Ukrainian citizens seeking refuge elsewhere—many landing on European shores. It is clear that US foreign policy is directly linked to each instance driving mass migration out of these regions and into Europe.
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