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lets get our shit together


everywhere i go to i always hear about brown pride. wether it be philly, new york, el paso, califas, so i know it exists. the only thing that sucks is that where ever we find a large concentration of mexicanos, chicanos. we have a problem with getting along with ourselves.

man, we are the most chingones. our people are hard working, respectful, and above all the bravest.

we have thousands of chicanos in the armed forces. they our out there in iraq dying on a daily basis, protecting our way of life. but what is our way of life?

we don't need the ku klux klan to come into our barrios to kill our people. we are doing it on our own. we kill the people that are exactly the same as us.

our brothers and sisters are dying over colors, and numbers. all that shit needs to end quick.

it is no longer the age of seperation and classism. it is the time to unite and make ourselves heard.

man, i like to wear my jeans baggy, and my shirt loose, with slick creases, listening to the firme rolas of the 50's. cooking out with my friends and family. and i know many of you homeboys/girls do too. so what the fuck? why are we still fighting each other?

i dont want my kids fighting their own raza! all the shit that has happened, happened. we don't need other statistics. other dead chicanos. we need more educated homeboys.

there are lot of old gangsters in prison that wish that they could have done things different. to get another chance.

well guess what homeboys, we are the next generation, and we do have a chance.

we need more lawyers, dotors, politicians, we have alot of smart brown brothers and sisters out there that can make it happen.

we need to start taking education more serious. cuz in life that's what it all comes down to.

so what do you say my brown brothers from the nortenos, the surenos.
let it go vatos. lets really make our voice heard.

because to tell all you brown brothers the truth, i will rather have a chicano/a on my side than a pinche redneck.

lets look out for each other, and fuck the rest.

"because i'm brown to the heart, and it's that chicano power that sets us apart"

peace love and unity!!!! viva our bad ass fucking raza!!!!!!!!!
everywhere i go to i always hear about brown pride. wether it be philly, new york, el paso, califas, so i know it exists. the only thing that sucks is that where ever we find a large concentration of mexicanos, chicanos. we have a problem with getting along with ourselves.

man, we are the most chingones(we are equal...no1 is better...no1 is any less). our people are hard working, respectful, and above all the bravest.

we have thousands of chicanos in the armed forces. they our out there in iraq dying on a daily basis, protecting our way of life. but what is our way of life?

we don't need the ku klux klan to come into our barrios to kill our people. we are doing it on our own. we kill the people that are exactly the same as us.

our brothers and sisters are dying over colors, and numbers. all that shit needs to end quick.

it is no longer the age of seperation and classism. it is the time to unite and make ourselves heard.

man, i like to wear my jeans baggy, and my shirt loose, with slick creases, listening to the firme rolas of the 50's. cooking out with my friends and family. and i know many of you homeboys/girls do too. so what the fuck? why are we still fighting each other?

i dont want my kids fighting their own raza! all the shit that has happened, happened. we don't need other statistics. other dead chicanos. we need more educated homeboys.

there are lot of old gangsters in prison that wish that they could have done things different. to get another chance.

well guess what homeboys, we are the next generation, and we do have a chance.

we need more lawyers, dotors, politicians, we have alot of smart brown brothers and sisters out there that can make it happen.

we need to start taking education more serious. cuz in life that's what it all comes down to.

so what do you say my brown brothers from the nortenos, the surenos.
let it go vatos. lets really make our voice heard.

because to tell all you brown brothers the truth, i will rather have a chicano/a on my side than a pinche redneck.

lets look out for each other, and fuck the rest.

"because i'm brown to the heart, and it's that chicano power that sets us apart"

peace love and unity!!!! viva our bad ass fucking raza!!!!!!!!! (and what about every1 else????)
everywhere i go to i always hear about brown pride. wether it be philly, new york, el paso, califas, so i know it exists. the only thing that sucks is that where ever we find a large concentration of mexicanos, chicanos. we have a problem with getting along with ourselves.

man, we are the most chingones. our people are hard working, respectful, and above all the bravest.

we have thousands of chicanos in the armed forces. they our out there in iraq dying on a daily basis, protecting our way of life. but what is our way of life?

we don't need the ku klux klan to come into our barrios to kill our people. we are doing it on our own. we kill the people that are exactly the same as us.

our brothers and sisters are dying over colors, and numbers. all that shit needs to end quick.

it is no longer the age of seperation and classism. it is the time to unite and make ourselves heard.

man, i like to wear my jeans baggy, and my shirt loose, with slick creases, listening to the firme rolas of the 50's. cooking out with my friends and family. and i know many of you homeboys/girls do too. so what the fuck? why are we still fighting each other?

i dont want my kids fighting their own raza! all the shit that has happened, happened. we don't need other statistics. other dead chicanos. we need more educated homeboys.

there are lot of old gangsters in prison that wish that they could have done things different. to get another chance.

well guess what homeboys, we are the next generation, and we do have a chance.

we need more lawyers, dotors, politicians, we have alot of smart brown brothers and sisters out there that can make it happen.

we need to start taking education more serious. cuz in life that's what it all comes down to.

so what do you say my brown brothers from the nortenos, the surenos.
let it go vatos. lets really make our voice heard.

because to tell all you brown brothers the truth, i will rather have a chicano/a on my side than a pinche redneck.

lets look out for each other, and fuck the rest.

"because i'm brown to the heart, and it's that chicano power that sets us apart"

peace love and unity!!!! viva our bad ass fucking raza!!!!!!!!!

Hey , you said a lot of good things in there people can take and run with.
I don't agree 100% but it was pretty good.
Us vs. Them is the one of the oldest survival mechanism human beings have .... for some it's us (red) vs them (blue) or its...us (sur) vs. them (nort).
West side vs. East side...........chicano vs. white , black ...... whatever.
That mentality is people giving in to the feeling of wanting to belong without really thinking or being responsible for themselves.
Truth is people can be proud of their race and belong ......... without beating the other guys down........... sometimes the other guy is YOU.
the best way to rep your race is to be the best you, you can be and raise your kids the best you can- STRONG FAMILY. IMO

You have to realize that you have no control over what others do.
the truth is that we can be proud of our race, and learn to think outside of our neighborhoods, and cities. unity is the key, and i don't take back saying that our raza is number one, because if you have ever lived in a small town outside of the heavy chicano populated states, there are people out there who think otherwise.

and i'm not saying at has to be us against them, but it does have to be for us by us first. we have to repair internal problems before we can really strive as a community as a whole. maybe then mexican, or chicano will not be used as a derogatory term among our peers of other races.

and there are problems that are unique to our race, and if you say otherwise then you need to get out more often. i.e you do not see gangs in white suburbia. i don't have anything against whites, i'm just pointing out that chicano kids are subjected to different ways of life.

that particular way of life had to be learned from somewhere, and over the years it has evolved. we as humans have the ability to learn and unlearn. and i think that saying, we cannot control what someone else does, is a cop out, and is not solving the problem. and if you say it's not our problem, then you are wrong. i don't see congress really giving two shits about what goes on in our hoods.

and i do believe that people can change. and althought i may not have physical control of what others do, we do have the capacity to pass on vital education. we can give somebody the insight, the knowledge, on how to pursue other alternatives...alternatives to self hatred, violence, and gridlock.

none of this is going to happen as a whole, unless we start to get along.

i'm not a racist, far from it... but i am pro chicano!
the truth is that we can be proud of our race, and learn to think outside of our neighborhoods, and cities. unity is the key, and i don't take back saying that our raza is number one, because if you have ever lived in a small town outside of the heavy chicano populated states, there are people out there who think otherwise.

and i'm not saying at has to be us against them, but it does have to be for us by us first. we have to repair internal problems before we can really strive as a community as a whole. maybe then mexican, or chicano will not be used as a derogatory term among our peers of other races.

and there are problems that are unique to our race, and if you say otherwise then you need to get out more often. i.e you do not see gangs in white suburbia. i don't have anything against whites, i'm just pointing out that chicano kids are subjected to different ways of life.

that particular way of life had to be learned from somewhere, and over the years it has evolved. we as humans have the ability to learn and unlearn. and i think that saying, we cannot control what someone else does, is a cop out, and is not solving the problem. and if you say it's not our problem, then you are wrong. i don't see congress really giving two shits about what goes on in our hoods.

and i do believe that people can change. and althought i may not have physical control of what others do, we do have the capacity to pass on vital education. we can give somebody the insight, the knowledge, on how to pursue other alternatives...alternatives to self hatred, violence, and gridlock.

none of this is going to happen as a whole, unless we start to get along.

i'm not a racist, far from it... but i am pro chicano!

Hope you can convince some of your brothers to open their minds then.
It'll take a lot more like you to do it.I hear what your sayin.
As far as who is # 1 , I guess I'll let you have that one in this world , seeing how this is a "Brown Pride " site.
I don't really care about all that.......... but the Greeks might want to argue. That's area code 011- 30.
As far as congress helping out in the hoods,....... people are usualy better off fixing things themselves. The more the government does for you , the more they control you.
Theres no reason communities cant bring themselves up , if they could get over the lack of respect for each other , that's feeding the crime and despair.
yes, i know it will take more people like me to make things happen, but even a hurricane begins with one raindrop. why cop out by saying you really don't care about all this. it's a conversation, so speak your mind or don't speak at all.

and i don't remember asking you for anything in this world. and i especially don't care to call anyone from greece.

now, i must agree with you that the less the government gets involved the better. but the truth is, that if the same thing was going on in "other neighborhoods" america would have a different view on it, therefore different approaches on solving the problem.

america is a bad ass country, and i'm willing to die for it. when i served my country, i always kept the ideal of "liberty and justice for all," in mind.

and "for all," also includes, like you said "your brothers." meaning my brothers, and i am proud to call them that.

and you bring me back to my point, wich is... let's get our shit together.
meaning we have to start getting along, because the people of america do not care about what is going on in our barrios. just like you leto. remember you "don't care about all that."

alright man, ttyl.
yes, i know it will take more people like me to make things happen, but even a hurricane begins with one raindrop. why cop out by saying you really don't care about all this. it's a conversation, so speak your mind or don't speak at all.

and i don't remember asking you for anything in this world. and i especially don't care to call anyone from greece.

now, i must agree with you that the less the government gets involved the better. but the truth is, that if the same thing was going on in "other neighborhoods" america would have a different view on it, therefore different approaches on solving the problem.

america is a bad ass country, and i'm willing to die for it. when i served my country, i always kept the ideal of "liberty and justice for all," in mind.

and "for all," also includes, like you said "your brothers." meaning my brothers, and i am proud to call them that.

and you bring me back to my point, wich is... let's get our shit together.
meaning we have to start getting along, because the people of america do not care about what is going on in our barrios. just like you leto. remember you "don't care about all that."

alright man, ttyl.

Ist of all , your thinking a little to hard , maybe I didn't word myself right..... when I was saying I don't care , I'm meaning ..........I dont CARE about WHO thinks WHO is #1
what a load of crap.
I didn't mean I don't care about "all this"..... the barrio is part of my country to.I care more than you think , and YOU don't know ME .

secondly , the thing about the Greeks with the area code was a JOKE ..cause they always think their culture is the best.... OK?

America doesn't care ? Eh, there's a lot that don't , but there are a lot that do. Should the Government do more ? of course , I think they should..... my real point was , the real power to raise the standard of living rests with the people themselves in their neighborhood.
All the government programs and funding in the world , isn't gonna make it safe for your family to have a barbeque in the park.You and I both know the government can't legislate to people how to treat each other unless they can someday get into peoples heads. It's a spiritual and cultural thing.
Hell, I thought I was agreeing with you.
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