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The largest minority MEXICAN AMERICANS ARE underrepresented in media, particularly in the streaming platform Apple TV.


Staff member
Nov 4, 2021
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MEXICAN AMERICANS are a rapidly growing population in the United States, yet they continue to be underrepresented in media, particularly in western media. This includes the streaming platform Apple TV. This lack of representation not only fails to reflect the diversity of our society, but also denies Latinos the opportunity to see themselves and their experiences portrayed on screen.​

An estimated 37.2 million Hispanics of Mexican origin lived in the United States in 2021, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. Mexicans in this statistical profile are people who self-identified as Hispanics of Mexican origin; this includes immigrants from Mexico and those who trace their family ancestry to Mexico.

The Underrepresentation of Mexican Americans in Media: The Case of Apple TV

Media has the power to shape our perceptions and beliefs about the world around us. Yet, for decades, Mexican Americans, one of the largest minority groups in the United States, have been consistently underrepresented in media, particularly in mainstream media outlets such as Apple TV. This lack of representation is not only a reflection of the systemic inequalities prevalent in western society but also perpetuates negative stereotypes about Mexican Americans. In this blog post, we will delve into the issue of underrepresentation of Mexican Americans in media, with a focus on the streaming platform Apple TV.

The underrepresentation of Mexican Americans in media is a complex issue that needs to be understood within the broader context of systemic racism and oppression. The lack of diversity and representation in media has been a long-standing problem that affects various groups, including but not limited to people of color, women, LGBTQIA+XYZ individuals, and people with disabilities. However, Mexican Americans have been particularly underrepresented in the media, with only a handful of shows and movies featuring Mexican American characters or storylines.

Interestingly, Apple TV, one of the most prominent streaming platforms, has also failed to promote Mexican American representation. The platform has been criticized for its lack of diversity and portrayal of Mexican Americans in stereotypical roles that reinforce harmful biases. For example, shows like Little Voice, Truth be Told, and The Morning Show, which were highly anticipated, have failed to feature Mexican American characters in significant roles. This lack of representation not only fails to reflect the diversity of our society, but also denies Mexican Americans the opportunity to see themselves and their experiences portrayed on screen.

Moreover, Mexican Americans are often portrayed in media through negative stereotypes that perpetuate harmful biases. This, in turn, contributes to their marginalization in society, making it difficult for them to get access to the resources and opportunities that other groups have. As such, it is essential for media outlets like Apple TV to take responsibility for the representations they produce and make a conscious effort to promote diversity, inclusion, and equity.

Mexican Americans have been systematically underrepresented in media for far too long, and the issue of underrepresentation has become increasingly relevant today, as debates around diversity and representation continue to gain momentum. It is time for the media, including streaming platforms like Apple TV, to take responsibility for its representations and actively promote diversity and inclusion. By doing so, we can ensure that Mexican Americans and other marginalized groups are afforded the same opportunities to see themselves and their experiences represented on screen, which can lead to a better understanding of these experiences and, hopefully, promote greater equality.
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