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My Revenge


Legendary Poster
I know yo se que revenge aint da answer
it'll just keep going round and around
pero es what they should have thought about
before your head they shot
but now dat i gots der first and last name
there be no more escapin
imma get some idiotas some lil pendejos
even if i have to travel muy lejos
to me es all worth it
no sabran de donde vino la bala
no sabran de quien fue la arma
solamente sabran que pudo ver sido sombra
almenos que alguen mire and pulls snitch
even then i'll still get my revenge
no hay duda Sombra no le va a la mentira
she'll fuck up your suerte
va hacer que tu corason y tu mente
se arepienten
she'll be da suerte de tu muerte
cuando tengan el cuete en el cerebro
y de ti yo me sigo reindo
imma make you shed each tear
that i shed every day and every year
every tear my familia cried
imma make ya want to commite suicide
i wont let you
i want to be da one who make ya go brain dead
i wont let you survive
i'll make you feel da same pain i felt
sin corason te lo voy a ser
i dont mean to cause pain
and frm da start i say perdonenme
a los que no tienen la culpa
y estan metidos en esto
pero esto tiene que ser
lo tienen que comprender
pero para ese senor
i would prey
por que Sombra se va a vengar
your kids will want revenge
i'm aware
but sombra will be to far of distance
to those who want me down
dont try nada cuz like oyur pappa tu tambien
te incaras y me miraras con miedo
y pidiendole al cielo
que todo porfavor sea un huego
you'll bow down to da ground
that be por seguro
eso si que se los juro
ojo por ojo diente por diente
yo soy la Sombra de tu muerte
es mejor que ninguno se me enfrente
show no pain show no restrain
have no regret have no remorse
have no conscious to those who's cuazed you pain
hermanita querida you will be avenged
i shall have my revenge
have you and me resting in peace
i'll try to put no worry on our family
in order to succedde i need to plan out everything
i've gots first and last names
i've even got der location
michocan, mexico
my home state my home town
Benito Juarez
why is it dat you have ppl sin morales
mexico lindo y querido
cuantas cosas tragicas no han occurrido
pero es si te lo digo
Sombra complira con su pedido
eso ya la esta escrito
eso ya lo esta prometido
you will be avenged
and hopefully one day we'll see each other again
just how it should have been desde el comienzo.....
By: 3sa_Ang3l

simon Mista i read it to ya........:D

and Mr.T not all of em just me....:D lol.....no not really i mean wouldnt you want to do somethin if they killed your sister or family member....

or would you seriously let da government handle it and put dem in jail for only 3 louzy yrs......:confused:
simon Mista i read it to ya........:D

and Mr.T not all of em just me....:D lol.....no not really i mean wouldnt you want to do somethin if they killed your sister or family member....

or would you seriously let da government handle it and put dem in jail for only 3 louzy yrs......:confused:

orale...and i know the question aint 2 me but ima answer...no ur right i wouldnt want 2 let them just get away 4 3 yrs pero i wouldnt do anything either porq...ay uno q te da worser punishment than any fuking cell can give up or even a gun or any physical pain of any form...God...I'll let him handle it...he wiser than me noways me entiendes
simon i understand ya but it still dont make me secure enough cuz out in dem streets of my home town you do somethin suffer in jail and den do da same shiet you use to do without no worries get what i mean i know for a fact dat vato did not learn his lesson..............in a jail cell...........i heard frm my parents and gradnparents in mexico que mato a otra persona........wtf.......he did not learn his lesson at all.............:( nope nope.........remember you may be stubborn at other things i'm stubborn at makin sense of what other ppl gotta say even when i know they may or may not b right.........es how i am if i believe in somethin i may agree wit you pero i still gots my my opinion and to me thats the one dat matters........no offense...........
simon i understand ya but it still dont make me secure enough cuz out in dem streets of my home town you do somethin suffer in jail and den do da same shiet you use to do without no worries get what i mean i know for a fact dat vato did not learn his lesson..............in a jail cell...........i heard frm my parents and gradnparents in mexico que mato a otra persona........wtf.......he did not learn his lesson at all.............:( nope nope.........remember you may be stubborn at other things i'm stubborn at makin sense of what other ppl gotta say even when i know they may or may not b right.........es how i am if i believe in somethin i may agree wit you pero i still gots my my opinion and to me thats the one dat matters........no offense...........

simo simon...none taken pero wacha la q hacemos aqui la pagamos aqui so he may have not understood and may have killed some1 else pero thats gonna be worse 4 him when he get 2 the gates where if u were 2 do something 2 him pue slos dos estan jodidos me entiendes....
que si hago algo and imma sufferin da same consiquences as him in da spiritaul world...........i'm hard headed like dat..........:rolleyes: theres no changin to da way i think............
simon i do.........but i know its not right i'm not saying it is but es what will make me happy for a while then it'll get all my worries off.......no doubt........i feel da worries goin away already.......lol........:D no jkin.........eh.......:D
yea im the same...hardheaded.....just hop ei understand b4 in 2 deep
and yes i'll admit there have been some times where i said na what will revenge get ya nothin just runnin frm your country once again ppl lookin for ya da cops...:rolleyes: LOL and it wont bring back your sister i know dat.........pero it's da good feeling of having him gone frm this world where i know he wont exist no more...........ders times i say simon imma do it and den ders times where i say na it aint worth it pero all in all it always brings me back to them bad thoughts.............you know what i mean.........
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