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need help!!!!!!!

omg this one i realy need help

ok so i found oltra sound pictures at my hynas house four days ago right n i never knew she was pregnant i mean she totaly doesn't look pregnant well any ways she never told me she was pregnant oh wow how should i talk to her about this that i found her oltra sound pictures and all that wow i really need help on this one:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
the queston you need to ask your self are you ready for the committment because later on in life you might find someone that you rather be with than her so make the right choice you dont want to be tied down bro
you should only ask her for her hand in marrage when you feel that the time is right when you feel that you want to spend the rest of you life with her
ok so i found oltra sound pictures at my hynas house four days ago right n i never knew she was pregnant i mean she totaly doesn't look pregnant well any ways she never told me she was pregnant oh wow how should i talk to her about this that i found her oltra sound pictures and all that wow i really need help on this one:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

I think u should wait on it. Cuz mayb she wants to surprise u or sumthing or may she has da same problem as u. She probly dont knw how to tell u shes prego. So just wait a few days n if she dont tell u by den, den u make da first move n mention wat u found.
marraige is a big step, i suggest you wait a bit longer. if your having second thoughts then easy up and wait, have fun with each other, cherish what you have stuff like that just dont jump into it if your not ready...........
one step hun its all about baby steps
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