Age is only a number.
If you feel something for him, then give it a try.
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If you feel something for him, then give it a try.
well their parents know the guy for about 5 yrs.. and they just say that its her decision...
Do You Think Its Ok For A Gurl Of 16 And A Guy Of 23 To Go Out??
TRUE DATA 16 year old girl doesn't know what love is (no offense intended). She might think she knows what love is, but that's not the same thing. Some things can only be learned through experience, but getting together with a 23 year old isn't the best choice you could be making.
I would be willing to be money that this girl's father is not around. She's trying to replace that father figure in her life. It's really very sad.
yeah what does age matter? If a 7 year old and a 21 year old feel something they should go for it! 14 year old and a 32 year old... go for it!
[hurtu] ya'll need to get a clue... statutory rape ain't cool!
Si Hay Amor Por Que No?????? I Mean Like Plppz Say Age Is Just A Number!!!
Your over exaggerating, T.
Sometimes you can't help who you fall in love with, but a 7 yr old with a 21 yr old? Pfft, you know that ain't love. It's child molestation.
si 3n v3rdad s3 aman than what th3 fuck. B3 tog3th3r than. oh no?