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my best friend just had a baby 7 months ago and she said when she got pregnant, she missed her period, her breasts were sore or tender, she had morning sickness, and she good moody for no reason.
well i would but my man said he never cam in me, he said he knows wat he is doing and he takes it out b4 he cums..

Seriously... u can always get pregnant 4rm that.. Dont let anyone tell u different even if he didnt cum in u... If u dont know facts about sex. u shouldnt be having sex. Simple as that. Cuz trust me... u'll be surprised wut can happen.
well i dont know how it feels ive never been pregnet you should buy a pregnacy test thats why you should of taken pills or used a condom

Pills dont work either trust me... i speak 4rm personal experiance... it works 4 some ppl but NOT all.... even if u do take em how you are suppose to.. i seriously think she needs to stick to condoms or DONT have sex untill ur ready to take responsbility of situations
cant tell never been pregnant lol but not all ppl tienen sintomas just wait til ur period but then ur period can skip up to a year so who knows lol
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