Humans are weird in the sense that we are probably the only species on Earth that discriminated people for what race they are. Just because somebody is one race it should not mean they cannot be apart of a cetain culture. Some countries are more tolerant than others, but certain countries claim a certain homogeniality is crucial fo thier culture to survive. A dream of mine and many of my friends(some would calll us hippies) os to see culture pass racial lines. Why cant people just be referred to as American as appose to african american, hispanic american, or asian american if they are born and raised here. I can understand if you are one way and then you just change, but say for example your parents are different races from each other, and one parent comes from a family that believes homogeniality is important. When you are born into these types of situation one family may not accept you because you are "mixed" with something else. Say a Greek family takes a vacation to South Africa(just for an example) and most of the family dies in a car accident - just the infant boy surviving. The infant is took in and raised in an orphanage around where many zulu happen to live. Say nobody ever adopts this boy and he grows up around these people. I donnot know how the zulu in South Africa would handle this because I donnot know mush about them, but would they allow this boy to learn and speak their language? Would they consider him zulu or just a lost greek kid if zulu is all he knew? Or would they hate him for what he is? Would an indian girl born in China be treated equally than the Han majority? Woud they be considered Chinese? The answer to the question regarding both the South African and the Chinese situation will probably no. Neither the lost greek boy nor the indian girl would probably be welcome with open arms. I am sure there have been plenty of situation where people in situations similar to this have been accepted, but most of the time they will not like to even associate with sombody who is racially different. As much as I value indivuality( one should at least tolerate their neighbors customs), if somebody grows up around a certain type of people not knowing anything about their ancestory or not being directly connected to their ancestory and only knowing the traditions of the people around them, then they should be accepted into that group. This is even a problem with diverse nations like the US and Canada. We were all one color anyway, way down the line we are all 99% similar when it comes to DNA. SO why do people have such biased ideas about race-culture relations. Does anybody understand what I'm saying? Do you agree or disagree of what I think? I am very open-minded so post what you really think. I appreciate your time.