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Russian President: Obama a 'thinker... unlike other people'

711 billion dollars and our troops still didn't have the essentials/basics like proper body armor.

That's the problem with a democrat like you- it takes more than money- it takes money management.

Fucking Doofy, you copy and paste a fucking article and then you get on a soap box hollering like you know something. You don't know shit, go talk about your hypothetical bullshit with your half white half latino che guvera shirt wearing college kid friends.

So have you backed down from your statement you are not talking to me? Lol. I'll take that as a yes and that I got you to back down from it. Good.

If after $711 billion our troops still don't have body armor, guess where that leaves the Russian army. Duh.

No cut and paste needed. We are ahead and you just helped my argument. Smart for backing down on that guy.
What statement did I back down of Doofy??? What is this statement that I made that I am backing down on- over and over like a broken record.

OK sure please go ahead and tell me about what the russian has in the way of personal protection Mr. Expert.
What statement did I back down of Doofy??? What is this statement that I made that I am backing down on- over and over like a broken record.

OK sure please go ahead and tell me about what the russian has in the way of personal protection Mr. Expert.

You said

I love facts, why don't you show proof that you are who you say you are, because I don't want to talk to some delusional pretender.

I provided proof. You have backed down. Good.

The point here is about who is in a better position militarily sans nukes between us and Russians. They spend $70 billion per year and we spend $711 per year. The point is with all we spend if we cannot afford proper vests guess what position they are in? Bullet proof vests? That's what you are now stuck on? Lol. Listen they can spend all they want and build a dome made of bullet proof vests around the entire country but it won't help them. Do you understand the difference between $711 billion and $70 billion?LOL!!!

You are either stuck on bullet proof vests b/c you know you are losing, or have confused yourself. That's not my problem guy. A bullet proof vest will not stop a rocket launcher.

What proof have you provided that you are steve doocy? How very grape of you to never actually step up to the plate.
Again we are talking about 2 "nuke-u-ler" powers if they don't have their nukes. Like that guy said why would we pretend J Lo doesn't have a butt?
Well if wars are all about money- then wouldn't we have won in Afghanistan a long time ago? Yeah go ask your college professor about that one son.

Come back with a different ID, how about spiderman?
Actually body armor does more than you think and saves many lives- I guess watching Rambo didn't fully educate you.
The point here is about who is in a better position militarily sans nukes between us and Russians. They spend $70 billion per year and we spend $711 per year. The point is with all we spend if we cannot afford proper vests guess what position they are in? Bullet proof vests?

So if your son was going off to war: don't worry about not having body armor- they don't have it either is ok with you?

Come on Doofy, try a new user name, someone with more brains.
Come on Doofy, don't you have an original thought? You are what 55 years old or so?- surely you have some life experience and don't need to run to google for everything.
So if your son was going off to war: don't worry about not having body armor- they don't have it either is ok with you?

Come on Doofy, try a new user name, someone with more brains.

The point is there is a certain discrepancy between the $711 billion we spend on our military and the measly $70 billion they s[pend and the best you have to offer is bullet proof vests? That's your military expertise? A thirteen year old knows we had issues under George W Bush with caring properly for our troops. Prove bullet proof vests would be the deciding factor in a war without nukes one on one between the US and Russia. Cite your extensive military sources from your days as general Truth B Told and use the sort of comparisons a thinking military man would offer.

Lol!!!! I can't wait to hear this. Bullet proof vests? That's your determining offer with no explanation as to haw it would be the deciding factor given our current use of such and theirs? I gave you my opinion andf backed it up with figures you backed down from your previous position and went from nukes to bullet proof vests. Boys we got a genius on our hands.
Hey Steve Dacy ! That budget is huge . But its not all spent on planes,ships and nukes . There is money in there for all sorts of stuff . Things like benefits for our vets, I don't ever recalling the Russians give a livable retirement or health care to there troops. But thanks for the laugh.....
$711 billion vs $70 billion and you're saying healthcare for troops would make up for that difference? ROR!!!!!! No my friend thank you for the laugh. If you are going to make that argument prove Russians don't. If not you're guessing. Then do the math and show how by eliminating the costs you mentioned and proving they don't spend or vs. what they spend it puts us on equal footing genius.

LOL!!!! Thanks for the laugh Zero.
$711 billion vs $70 billion and you're saying healthcare for troops would make up for that difference? ROR!!!!!! No my friend thank you for the laugh. If you are going to make that argument prove Russians don't. If not you're guessing. Then do the math and show how by eliminating the costs you mentioned and proving they don't spend or vs. what they spend it puts us on equal footing genius.

LOL!!!! Thanks for the laugh Zero.

I gave a small example there . Do a search over at the US government sites and you will see what I already know .
Grape, trying to be a middle aged white man- lol.

How many times has body armor been used in war? How many times have nukes been used?
Takes more than a google search and watching Rambo movies to know about war- go back to the kiddie pool.

Hero you are right, there are many factors to look into when breaking the number down.
Money management! Lets not forget about all the billions spent on non combat expenses and contracts like HALIBURTON, you 'member grape! Maybe you have a chart comparing the pay difference between the two militaries, does Russia pay for schooling? Health care/medical- imagine that number with all the combat injuries physical/mental and their family members and housing for them. Law suits and operating costs of how many bases around the world. Chasing down terrorists throughout the world and running 2 wars.- I'm thinking that's not cheap.

I don't have all the answers, it would take some research, certainly more than a 2 minute google search and reading 1 or 2 small articles- you are a fucking clown doofy grape or whatever your name is!

Nice pie chart!
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I gave a small example there . Do a search over at the US government sites and you will see what I already know .

Here steve doocy is a link with a quick Goggle that show Russian troops can't even get a place to live that was promised to them .


Hmmm and? Let me enlighten you lest you forget

Soldiers Face Neglect, Frustration At Army's Top Medical Facility


By Dana Priest and Anne Hull
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Behind the door of Army Spec. Jeremy Duncan's room, part of the wall is torn and hangs in the air, weighted down with black mold. When the wounded combat engineer stands in his shower and looks up, he can see the bathtub on the floor above through a rotted hole. The entire building, constructed between the world wars, often smells like greasy carry-out. Signs of neglect are everywhere: mouse droppings, belly-up cockroaches, stained carpets, cheap mattresses.

This is the world of Building 18, not the kind of place where Duncan expected to recover when he was evacuated to Walter Reed Army Medical Center from Iraq last February with a broken neck and a shredded left ear, nearly dead from blood loss. But the old lodge, just outside the gates of the hospital and five miles up the road from the White House, has housed hundreds of maimed soldiers recuperating from injuries suffered in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The common perception of Walter Reed is of a surgical hospital that shines as the crown jewel of military medicine. But 5 1/2 years of sustained combat have transformed the venerable 113-acre institution into something else entirely -- a holding ground for physically and psychologically damaged outpatients. Almost 700 of them -- the majority soldiers, with some Marines -- have been released from hospital beds but still need treatment or are awaiting bureaucratic decisions before being discharged or returned to active duty.

They suffer from brain injuries, severed arms and legs, organ and back damage, and various degrees of post-traumatic stress. Their legions have grown so exponentially -- they outnumber hospital patients at Walter Reed 17 to 1 -- that they take up every available bed on post and spill into dozens of nearby hotels and apartments leased by the Army. The average stay is 10 months, but some have been stuck there for as long as two years.

Not all of the quarters are as bleak as Duncan's, but the despair of Building 18 symbolizes a larger problem in Walter Reed's treatment of the wounded, according to dozens of soldiers, family members, veterans aid groups, and current and former Walter Reed staff members interviewed by two Washington Post reporters, who spent more than four months visiting the outpatient world without the knowledge or permission of Walter Reed officials. Many agreed to be quoted by name; others said they feared Army retribution if they complained publicly.

While the hospital is a place of scrubbed-down order and daily miracles, with medical advances saving more soldiers than ever, the outpatients in the Other Walter Reed encounter a messy bureaucratic battlefield nearly as chaotic as the real battlefields they faced overseas.

On the worst days, soldiers say they feel like they are living a chapter of "Catch-22." The wounded manage other wounded. Soldiers dealing with psychological disorders of their own have been put in charge of others at risk of suicide.

Disengaged clerks, unqualified platoon sergeants and overworked case managers fumble with simple needs: feeding soldiers' families who are close to poverty, replacing a uniform ripped off by medics in the desert sand or helping a brain-damaged soldier remember his next appointment.

"We've done our duty. We fought the war. We came home wounded. Fine. But whoever the people are back here who are supposed to give us the easy transition should be doing it," said Marine Sgt. Ryan Groves, 26, an amputee who lived at Walter Reed for 16 months. "We don't know what to do. The people who are supposed to know don't have the answers. It's a nonstop process of stalling."

Soldiers, family members, volunteers and caregivers who have tried to fix the system say each mishap seems trivial by itself, but the cumulative effect wears down the spirits of the wounded and can stall their recovery.

"It creates resentment and disenfranchisement," said Joe Wilson, a clinical social worker at Walter Reed. "These soldiers will withdraw and stay in their rooms. They will actively avoid the very treatment and services that are meant to be helpful."

Danny Soto, a national service officer for Disabled American Veterans who helps dozens of wounded service members each week at Walter Reed, said soldiers "get awesome medical care and their lives are being saved," but, "Then they get into the administrative part of it and they are like, 'You saved me for what?' The soldiers feel like they are not getting proper respect. This leads to anger."


Gen. Admits Flaws In Soldier Care Units
In The Wake Of Walter Reed Scandal, Wounded Warriers Program Not Working As Planned
(CBS) The government came under fire last year over the treatment of America's wounded warriors, when shoddy conditions were exposed at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

Since then, the Army has overhauled its outpatient program.

But, as CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reports, many soldiers still aren't getting the medical treatment they were promised.

In the wake of the Walter Reed scandal, 35 so-called "Warrior Transition Units" were set up at bases around the world. They were supposed to be places where soldiers could be cared for until they either returned to duty or were discharged.

But the general in charge of the program admits it hasn't been working the way it was supposed to. Here's why.

"How many soldiers in these units were actually wounded in combat?" Martin asked.

"About 12 percent were wounded in either Iraq or Afghanistan," Brig. Gen. Gary Cheek said.

"Only 12 percent?" Martin said.

"Only 12 percent," Cheek said.

If you include those whose injuries could be called combat-related - a stressed-out soldier in a car accident after returning from Iraq, for instance - the percentage goes up to 48 percent.

The rest have injuries or illnesses which have nothing to do with combat. As a result, the number of soldiers in Warrior Transition Units exploded from 6,000 to 12,000 - even as casualties in Iraq were going down.

"We were putting soldiers into the Warrior Transition Unit that really didn't need that complex, managed care," Cheek said.

"So did somebody say, 'Hey, this isn't how it was supposed to work?'" Martin asked.

"I would say yes," Cheek said.

With the number of soldiers in transition units increasing by about 600 a month, the Army can't hire health care workers fast enough.

"By the time we got the ratio up to where it needed to be, we were probably 30-to-60 days behind what the population had already grown to," Cheek said.

Last week the Army tightened the medical conditions that qualify a solider for a Warrior Transition Unit. And a new order requires all units to be fully staffed by Monday, but some aren't going to make it.


Our soldiers have the same troubles there so it's not that. Sorry. Next.
Grape, trying to be a middle aged white man- lol.

How many times has body armor been used in war? How many times have nukes been used?

How exactly would body armor be the deciding factor in a non nuclear one on one war between our two countries? I asked you and that is not the answer. A two year old knows the answer that though. That has nothing to do with who is in a better position sans nukes militarily.

Takes more than a google search and watching Rambo movies to know about war- go back to the kiddie pool.

Takes more than snippets from MSNBC on what Bush didn't do way back when to protect our troops than to be able to talk about the issue we are discussing now. I have facts and you have shown nothing. Stop postponing and talk.

Hero you are right, there are many factors to look into when breaking the number down.
Money management! Lets not forget about all the billions spent on non combat expenses and contracts like HALIBURTON, you 'member grape! Maybe you have a chart comparing the pay difference between the two militaries, does Russia pay for schooling? Health care/medical- imagine that number with all the combat injuries physical/mental and their family members and housing for them. Law suits and operating costs of how many bases around the world. Chasing down terrorists throughout the world and running 2 wars.- I'm thinking that's not cheap.

See guy I already backed that up with a quote from professionals who have done the leg work. oh how convenient of you to forget.


Lol. Hopefully you never served in the military because you really would be a poor representative of such. The truth is this

"Nuclear weapons are for Russian people now much more important than decades ago," Arbatov said. "They are more important than during the Cold War times as a pillar of national security."

Moscow just published its own defense doctrine, and it reserves the use of tactical or strategic nuclear weapons if the very existence of Russia is threatened. This reveals one of the great paradoxes of nuclear weapons, Perkovich says.

"In a world where you take away everybody else's nuclear weapons and also the U.S. nuclear weapons, the U.S. would have this great advantage in conventional military capability," he said.

Russian leaders look at the U.S. advantage in advanced military technology, and they see nuclear weapons as the great equalizer.


Next I already took wartime spending out of the equation, and thus what we pay Haliburton.


Thirdly that is yours to argue. I made my arguments and backed them up where is yours we see you're frustrated and are offering nothing. You've gone from Wah Wah I'm not talking to you to figure this and that. If that is a part of your argument YOU back it up.

I don't have all the answers, it would take some research, certainly more than a 2 minute google search and reading 1 or 2 small articles- you are a fucking clown doofy grape or whatever your name is!

Nice pie chart!

You are the military expert. You mean you can talk big but carry no stick? Back it up. Why talk nonsense instead of backing up what you say? The only clown is a man who would enter into an argument and not be willing to back up what he says. His words hold no weight. Yeah the pie chart was good but it is factual. Sorry the truth rubs you the wrong way so hard.
For century's . The military "" VEST "" today is much better than the one I had in Nam . It saved my fucking ass ..

Glad to hear that. So I guess you could say that body armor was "the deciding factor" that saved your life.

STFU grape you doof.
Hmmm and? Let me enlighten you lest you forget

Hey steve doofy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Not for sure how you came up with that post or why . But I never said it was a perfect system,I said that the military budget accounts for more than tanks,planes ect...
Hey steve doofy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Not for sure how you came up with that post or why . But I never said it was a perfect system,I said that the military budget accounts for more than tanks,planes ect...

Exactly- he is squirming like a worm on a fishing hook trying to twist words.
The point being made was that you have to break down the budget to get a truer comparison.
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