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Mi Vida Loca

Active member
Jan 15, 2008
Best answers
Som3days ar3 just so bad!
its so sad...
tir3d of thinkin of ways to d3al.
but all you r3ally g3t is a big fuckin ord3al.
i thought it could n3v3r b3 r3al.
Boy was i wrong.
now 3v3rbody t3llin m3 its no big d3al.
but how do th3y know?
th3y dont liv3 my life! Nor do th3y know all i fac3.
what da h3ll you say!? dis is suppos3 to b3 a sad po3m.
but l3ts just face it.
its not a bad poem.haha

what i was F-IN bord so dont get it twisted im just bored and i plan to do something about it and dats be a fool...haha say what you like at dis one i dont care.LOL[lmao]

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