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Should we follow the Heart or the Mind?


Legendary Poster
Jan 12, 2008
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I believe we as humans switch between following the heart and the mind. Some of us switch from one to the other, some of us follow the heart more, and some of us follow the mind more. I would even go further and say some of us look like we follow the heart but are really follow the mind and vise versa.

How do you govern your own actions? Do you do what your emotions and feelings tell you to do or do you do what rationality, reason and logic tell you to do?

I myself, depending on the situation switch around or try too at least. When it comes to work, busniess and money it is best to lead with the mind. You won't find too many emotional people who are successful in busniess, their job and in life. Also, money isn't or at least shouldn't be given to people based on how many tears they have falling from their face or how sad they seem to be.

Wealth, money, riches and all this great things we want, no matter if some of us calls them good or evil, are created by someone following his mind. Like a scientist, a inventor, a genious etc etc.

In more social situations its a good idea to lead with the heart. Beer and liqour itself render higher brain funtions out of order and so this is one reason its a little easier to socialize when under the influence.

Animals follow all heart. If an animal gets mad he will more then likely attack and become violent (beer, bar, fights, lower brain funtions,see the connection?). For animals, there isn't such a thing as wrong , stealing, evil, or bad between them and so that is why they have nothing and own nothing but the fur on their bodies. In the animal kingdom its a free for all. Some animals do team up and form herds, and packs but they still do attack each other and their own kind as well. Still, we don't think of this things that animals do as evil. Even if they rape, kill their own babies, steal from each other or tear each other from limb to limb or murder each other.

If we apply our moral standards to animals we will find that animals like sheeps, cows and plants are the most moral. Yet its very unattactive to act like such animals.

Back to violent animals. It is more rare to see this among the human animal. Some humans do act like animals when they attack and get violent all because they got mad or afraid. Some humans do form groups where they attack each other and go around taking whatever they can get their paws on. Some humans only think about making more of themselves without even thinking about it for reporduction is the second strongest instinict. Some of this things are fun but such a human who does such things would be acting out what he feels like doing and what his heart tells him to do.

The more animal like a human is the less he has and the less owns no matter how much he happens to gain by stealing, borrowing, extorting, begging yet yet he stil complains about his situation which was caused by his own actions and excepts the human who follow their mind to pay for his stupidity. I am not pointing fingers. Every race has its bad apples.

Animals have to be keep locked in zoos up if we want them to be safe just like humans who act like animals have to be keep locked up if we want them to be safe too.

Ofcourse I am not saying that all actions acted out of emotions and feelings are wrong but many of them are. Some things produced by the human mind do have some negative effects too. IE polution, radiation, destruction, of natural resources and things like that.

They say women are emotional creatures yet I don't see them nearly 1/4 as violent as men are. They lack some certain male chemicals in their body I suppose.

Ok its getting late and Iam done ranting for now. hope i made some sense lol to at least one person
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